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2 yr. ago

Death Metal

Infernal Conjuration - Necrolatria (a los muertos blasfemos) [Mexico, 2019]

Death Metal

Engulfed - In the Abyss of Death’s Obscurity [Türkiye, 2024]

Death Metal

Mortify - Frayed Lunacy (Dying Sight) [Chile, 2022]

Death Metal

Chainsword - Wrapped in Barbed Wire and Yellow Fog [Poland, 2024]

Death Metal

Fetid - Dripping Sub-Tepidity [Washington, 2019]

Death Metal

Witch Vomit - Blood of Abomination [Oregon, 2024]

Death Metal

Sanguine Imperator - Vashanesh [Arizona, 2024]

Death Metal

Necrot - Cut the Cord [California, 2024]

Death Metal

Unaussprechlichen Kulten - Our Almighty Chthonic Lords [Chile, 2024]

Death Metal

Dissimulator - Neural Hack [Canada, 2024]

Death Metal

Sovereign - Futile Dreams [Norway, 2024]

Death Metal

Cenotaph - In the Cosmic Solitude [Mexico, 1992]

Death Metal

Serpens Aeon - Nectar [Washington, 2003]

Death Metal

Draghkar - At the Crossroads of Infinity [California, 2020]

Death Metal

Favorite Albums from 2023

Death Metal

Drawn and Quartered - Escape to Cremation [Washington, 2006]

Death Metal

Apparition - A Haunting Reflection [Spain, 2024]

Death Metal

Question - First Fragmentation [Mexico, 2020]

Death Metal

Replicant - Acid Mirror [New Jersey, 2024]

Death Metal

Phobocosm - Infomorph [Canada, 2023]