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2 yr. ago

Death Metal

Sijjin - Five Blades [Germany, 2025]

Death Metal

Poison - Yog-Sothoth [Germany, 1987]

Death Metal

Molested - Following the Growls [Norway, 1995]

Death Metal

Necrophobic - Darkside [Sweden, 1997]

Death Metal

Phrenelith - Stagnated Blood [Denmark, 2025]

Death Metal

The Chasm - No Mercy (Our Time Is Near) [Mexico, 1998]

Death Metal

Mortem - Uma, Head of the Witch [Peru, 1998]

Death Metal

Malicious - Hideous Transformations [Finland, 2020]

Death Metal

Ignivomous - Hierophant [Australia, 2012]

Death Metal

Cosmophage - Decaying Entropy [Brazil, 2024]

Death Metal

Abhorration - Invoke Them [Norway, 2024]

Death Metal

Ripped to Shreds - Into the Court of Yanluowang [California, 2024]

Death Metal

Massacra - Ultimate Antichrist [France, 1991]

Death Metal

Siderean - Visions [Slovenia, 2024]

Death Metal
Death Metal

Oath of Cruelty - Into the Chamber of Death [Texas, 2019]

Death Metal

Vile Rites - Shiftless Wanderings [California, 2024]

Death Metal

Critical Extravasation - Waltz of Hypocrisy [Russia, 2022]

Death Metal

Invincible Force - Hopeless Mortality [Chile, 2020]

Death Metal

Undeath - Brandish the Blade [New York, 2024]

  • My favorite full-lengths from last year:
    VoidCeremony - Threads of Unknowing
    Sulphur Aeon - Seven Crowns and Seven Seals
    Cruciamentum - Obsidian Refractions
    Ascended Dead - Evenfall of the Apocalypse
    Serpent of Old - Ensemble Under the Dark Sun
    Blood Oath - Lost in an Eternal Silence
    Ulthar - Anthronomicon
    Sepulchral Curse - Abhorrent Dimensions
    Disguised Malignance - Entering the Gateways
    Majesties - Vast Reaches Unclaimed

    My favorite EPs from last year:
    Undergang - De syv stadier af ford​æ​rv
    Hyperdontia - Deranged
    StarGazer - Bound by Spells
    Lunar Chamber - Shambhallic Vibrations

  • If a post contains incorrect information that could be dangerous, you should be able to reply to it and also downvote it so that the incorrect information becomes less visible. For example, if someone said you should pinch your nose and lean your head back when you get a nosebleed. You should be able to correct them and still downvote to make the incorrect information less visible.