Dharma Curious @ DharmaCurious @startrek.website Posts 7Comments 949Joined 2 yr. ago

WTF why did no one mention this to me when I was struggling with math as a kid?
I tried plugging my phone into the elm tree out back. Turns out it doesn't work, and also it wasn't an elm tree, it was the neighbor, and he was pissed when he woke up.
I ended up on a massive Whatsapp group populated primarily by Indian women after I took a content writing class a few years ago. Made several very good friends. I've asked them about the whole Indian scammer thing. One of them said she knows a few, and they do it because they literally don't have other options for employment. Which makes sense. Rampant, unfettered capitalism forces people to make decisions that go against their conscience for the sake of survival. I feel bad for scammers sometimes, other times I feel less charitable when they're scamming my dad...
Whole situation just fucking sucks.
Something to do with the jelly in your eyes. Google eye floaters. It scared me enough as a kid that I never told anyone about it, because I thought I had parasites and was "dirty."
@stamets@startrek.website Told ya so!
I have one that does a loop-de-loop. It's been there since I was little. 30 years, probably. My lifelong companion that routinely terrified me until I found out what it was. Lol.
Same for me, minus the weight. I hate weight on me when I'm sleeping. Makes me feel trapped and claustrophobic. I use the thinnest blanket the temperature will allow, and I always have fans (and if possible an AC) going. Anything above 63f/17c and I sweat like a pig. :(
Does the chillpad work? I've heard mixed reviews.
An aspiring writer, you want to be published and have dreams of being the next Stephen King or JK Rowling, but you can never find the time to hone your craft, because of your daunting responsibilities to Charcumwa, the Eldritch horror you have trapped in the basement of an abandoned apartment building 2 towns over. It must be fed daily or the pact will be broken, and it will be freed. The 4th generation to carry this burden, you sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be worth it to just let it go, knock out a few chapters of your book, and try to guess what stocks will crash when it is freed. You'll make a killing on the market with this kind of foreknowledge.
Typically, your shift is just an hour longer/shorter. Though, I've worked for companies that tried to scam me, and pay me for 8 hours on the night with 9 hours, under the guise that they would pay me 8 hours on the night with 7. Nope. I don't trust your ass, and I don't know that I'll still be working here in 6 months. I'll take my $8.75 for tonight, tyvm.
This is awesome! The way this works is what I've been doing for years by manually creating different emails. Mymail.streaming@gmail, myemail.work@gmail, myemail.medical@gmail et cetera .I have literally dozens of Gmail accounts to keep things organized. The idea of people able to transition that to a single address sounds amazing. Can't wait to get approved.
I'd watch the hell out of that, and it's I unironically an excellent name.
Tricksy little sheepseses
No, no, you did it right.
It's specifically a goose wearing a sombrero. Lol.
I may have squee'd a little...
"Well behaved fe-males rarely make profit"
I am in the picture and I do not like it
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Oh, that's different. Items on sale are exempt. You should have led with that! You almost lost Quick Walk!
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Ew, you have sportsball equipment? The gay agenda is going to need a word with you. You're hurting our image. We abandoned respectability politics in the 2010s. You need to update your plan, or you could face serious fines and a loss of the ability of walk super quickly for no reason.