Dharma Curious @ DharmaCurious @startrek.website Posts 7Comments 949Joined 2 yr. ago

That Photoshop job on the framed picture is freaking perfect.
All hail Stamets, Lord of the meme.
I give up. What am I looking for?
Monkeys. Several species, but specifically pygmy marmosets. What I really want is Borrowers, but since the scientific community refuses to focus research on the actually important things, it feels unlikely in my lifetime. So pygmy marmosets. I want to walk onto my porch, and a troop of teeny little monkeys is chilling out there, living their best lives.
@stamets@startrek.website Make this stop!
I want a thick, prehensile tail that's at least 2/3rds as long as my body. I want to be able to use to hold things, hang upside down like a opossum, climb trees, and slap the shit outta Greg from work when he irritates me. That's the kind of tail I wish humans had. I don't care if it's furry or smooth. I'll crochet a tail condom if I need to.
Just read the wiki. All I could think was "with that much control, he'd be an astounding bottom"
The Internet has broken me.
Fun fact: this also works for yarn, fabric, thread, and even batting!
Up your game. Create a WhatsApp group specifically for notes related to specific topics with another person, immediately remove that other person, and use the empty group chat as a note app. It's not on your phone and your tablet/PC, and you never have to bother remembering a note app exists. I may or may not have dozens of empty Whatsapp groups for this...
There is no "all of the above" option, which is the correct answer.
However, I really enjoy startrek.website
Haha. I feel very in demand with one person with to purchase my sewing! Lol.
I enjoy sewing but am not good yet. I'll make you weird things for practice!
I absolutely will not. Vote blue no matter who is why we have the situation we have. 2016 did not give us trump. Generations of shitty corporate politicians on both sides of the aisle gave us Donald Trump. Populists win because they're popular, and trump got popular by pointing out the factual information that the house, the Senate, and the oval office are filled with corporate skills and corrupt puppets. Sadly, it was the fascist who got popular pointing it out, but it doesn't make that part of what he says untrue.
I live in a red state where my vote for federal office does not count. So I will cast my pointless protest vote for the green party in the hopes that one day they'll get their 5%, and maybe something can change. Down ballot I'll hold my nose and vote for the Democrat in most offices, and if I ever move to a competitive state, I'll do the same for federal, because I'm being held hostage by the corporate shills, and I'd rather my family not die in concentration camps that are inevitably coming if/when the fascists fully take power.
But no. Fuck blue no matter who. Who. Fucking. Matters. If it didn't, we wouldn't be in this mess. Have some standards.
Discovery Appreciation Post
God I hope so, on both counts.
Though, in true Watch The Irishman Suffer fashion, maybe Miles get forcibly ripped from family and brought to the future with no way to return.
Discovery Appreciation Post
I am so fucking jealous. I want!
Honestly, all the ships we see in the future are awesome. I really like Booker's ship, too.
I do not appreciate you using my image in this way. I did not consent to having this picture taken.
Girls, too. I grew up with this girl that always collected cool looking sticks, rocks, et cetera. Her room looked like what a bedroom would look like if a raven made a wish to be human. Ended up wiccan, and still collects cool sticks and rocks. Haha.
Where can one, other than the Bible, read more about this? I'm not opposed to reading the Bible, I'm just not great at deciphering it's language most of the time.