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  • Bah! Wenn du bock auf metallgeschmack hast, lutsch doch nen Nagel!

  • ich🔥📺🌊iel
  • Warum nicht Hochwasser aus Feuer? Endlich mal was spannendes!

  • ich_iel
  • Gore-tex membran ist Menschenhaut!

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • i mean... its one way to govern 🤷

  • Removed
    How open source money fixes a corrupted banking system
  • So the advantages of bitcoin are, that it is a market based deflationary money?

    Does she not see what happens with unregulated markets? They gravitate towards monopolies, which is why... we invented regulation and "corrupt officials".

    Also deflation is way way way more dangerous than inflation, simply because each actors amount of money will start to become more and more worth. This in turn will lead to lower tendencies to invest in new technologies/products and therefor kill progress.

  • Flawless logic
  • not according to house greyjoy :D

  • It's very inconsiderate of them
  • Oh boi, do i have a suggestion for you!

    trees start speaking binary

  • AI is out of control lately
  • Is he now powered by GPT-4o? 😂

  • Linkedin
  • Basically the same is happening to boomers, e. g. in Europe, too. Also ageism is happening here too. I don't know, how much worse it is over on your part of the planet, but here you're also not taken seriously when you're young

  • someone tell them
  • Firefox Flatpak? :D

  • Judgy asshole
  • Typical "high performer" 😁

  • [DE] "Deutschlandpakt-Regierung" ist mehr als ein Gerücht - platzt jetzt die Ampel?
  • Und sie packen direkt das wichtigste Thema an 🦾

  • [DE] "Deutschlandpakt-Regierung" ist mehr als ein Gerücht - platzt jetzt die Ampel?
  • Wieso? Die letzte GroKo hat doch so gut funktioniert! /s

  • Signs of undeclared ChatGPT use in papers mounting
  • Also a fee for the universities, who need to subscribe to the journals for the authors to be able to read their own fucking work.

    Which btw is most often paid for by the respective countries.

  • Drake’s upset
  • Genius

  • An all too common occurrence
  • And it's waiting to strike.

  • Whatchu got
  • Iraq bans the word "homosexual" on all media platforms and offers an alternative
  • I wouldn't say free, more like under new management.

  • D - Depression
  • Directory of failed experiments

  • Deckname Deckname
    Posts 2
    Comments 44