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'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • That is a guaranteed path to fascism.

    I'm not gonna say that the chances are good, but if they refuse, and win, and then walk back the changes, maybe fascism can be averted.

    If they walk into using these tools and normalise them even more, then when the other party gets the government again, you get a republican fascist, and if the other party never gets the government again, it's because you got a "democrat" fascist.

    Don't race to the bottom, everyone loses there.

  • Amid a decline in democratic standards, the Serbian government uses large-scale installation of surveillance systems with facial recognition technology to monitor opponents, activists and journalists
  • Even to the (insufficient, overblown) extent that it happens, lifting "the poor" Han Chinese out of poverty by putting other populations (Uighurs) under slave labour instead, is not the moral win you're implying.

    If an ethnic cleansing is part of the requirements, to stop committing humanitarian atrocities towards "the poor", that's still an atrocity.

    Disclaimer, the USA, just like every authoritarian state, is also disgusting and criminal.

  • Spread of tiger mosquito behind rise of dengue fever in Europe
  • Hey hey now! No need to be that way!

    Studies until now show that mosquitoes seem to never be keystone species anywhere, so eradicating them probably won't cause any fallout whatsoever!

    Be more optimistic with your annihilation fantasy. We all deserve it.

  • Europe’s rapidly rising right: Hard-right forces are gaining ground ahead of next month’s European Parliament election
  • Race and religion are absolutely just smoke and mirror scapegoats and panic-triggering red buttons, for the far-right.

    People vote far right because of strongman propaganda (Great Leader will solve it all!!!!), combined with feelings of anger, frustration and powerlessness.

    Any country that keeps it's people poor and/or let's rich fucks get rich enough, will get a blooming field of far-right politicians, vying for the privilege of getting more power, to suck the rich people's dicks better, and get richer themselves.

  • my rule

    "u always on that damned phone" there are little gay people in here that like me

    old rule posting

    mintgoth: just learned that the word "ferret" is derived from the Latin word furittus meaning "LITTLE THIEF" and that a group of ferrets is called a BUSINESS and i am absolutely pleased with this new knowledge

    insomniac-arrest: I am enriched by this knowledge, thank you

    Uuhhh... help with new cat meeting old cat, or soothe me please
    Day 1, panicked cry for help

    Hello, I hope it's ok to not post a picture, I'm quite a mess right now. I lack sleep, and I'm stressed, and just stopping panicking, lying down to write this and sleep.

    I just brought home, on somewhat of a whim, the goodest and most communicative little boy cat from the street (he looks around or less than 6 months).

    And I already have a lovely, cranky, scaredy cat of a 6 year old lady (sterilised).

    I made the assumed mistake of letting them meet face to face as soon as I unlocked the door to the apartment.

    Anya (old lady cat) froze, and left, scared, and went to her room with her litterbox, and has stayed there since.

    The Boy, I left a bit around the apartment, to make sure he actually wants to stay instead of going back to the street (he loves it), took him outside and back once so he could emergency shit because he didn't like the sand in the second litterbox I prepared (maybe too little, I'll get more tomorrow), and now I've closed him in the WC, with a good-sized box with his new fluffy blanket, food and water for a day, and the insufficient but untouched litterbox. And he is very happy in his box, in the closed room.

    But in between all that, were the incidents:

    A couple of times, The Boy went into Anya's room, found her, sat far away, curled his tail around his feets, and slow-blinked at her. She was not accepting. Deep-mewls, staying as far as possible (cornered), raised hairs on tail, tail circling around her side not touching her body, lowered ears, wide eyes.

    He respected the distance.

    I put him in the bathroom, closed the door, put her food outside the door to the bathroom. Left him to relax (he is, he is fine). Sat with her in her room for half an hour, so she would relax. She did a bit. Still hasn't left her room, but came for pets after a while, in her room.

    So. Given how unprepared I am for this, and how much I love both kittens, what tips do you have for me? What to be careful of?

    The situation is not ideal. Is there any condition, where I should be prepared to send The Boy to be an outside cat, for the better of everyone?

    I'm dying of sleepiness, ask anything, and any help is welcome. Thank you so much for even reading all this. Now I'm gonna sleep, and I'll be back in the morning.

    Day 2 update edit: Okay, everything is smoother now. Further updates in body for everyone interested, but thanks a lot either way, all this info was pretty helpful, directly or indirectly, and just writing this all down has helped immensely with my maddening anxiety with this whole situation.

    The boy got vet-ted, he has nothing serious, just a little snot for which I'll be giving him a small antibiotics treatment.

    good boy spiel

    He is a very good boy, smartest and most communicative and trusting cat I've ever met, and even after the messy vet visit, he still repeatedly chose to come back with me whenever I gave him the choice of returning where I found him, or even just outside the building. No, he wants to be here. That fact helped me calmed down a lot.

    Current situation

    Currently, the boy has gorged himself full, from the stress of the vet visit no doubt, and is contently sleeping in his box in the closed bathroom. Anya is walking around the house, generally smelling everything, and paying occasional attention to the bathroom door. She is eating and drinking normally every so often, eyeing warily the faraway but visible door. She no longer looks actively scared or stressed, looking ok enough with the current arrangement.

    Short term plans

    I read Jackson's guides, and they've been really helpful for context and building intuition, but neither my house, nor my situation allow really following them step by step, so we're gonna wing it a bit.

    I'm going to have each of them inside their own room (different rooms) for a portion of each day, leaving the other one to roam the entire house for that time. Anya evening to noon (play->sleep->job->relax) time, the boy the rest. I'm lucky I have 5 days off work starting today, to give them the attention they need.

    Once I find out why I can't upload pictures, I will show the kitties off, and give an update on their situation.

    Thanks everyone!

    Millions rule

    I'm sorry for the bad rule, but rule number rule rule.

    EDIT: I'm glad people like and are discussing the post. For the record though, I posted this for the funny number lol

    The Art of War ✂️ Sun Tzu said

    5 seconds · Clipped by The Act of Generating Playlists · Original video "What Video Games Get Right About Women And Activism" by Ana Fern

    ✂️ Sun Tzu said

    in 5 seconds.

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