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many are saying it
  • haha nah i just threw it together with photopea and this pixel art image converter site i found

  • many are saying it
  • yeah, trump said "spheres of terror" like five times in a row but it sounded like an rpg title instead

  • I am getting mix messages from the mods.
  • Judge Dreddge

    no i will not explain myself

  • is smite 2 cool?
  • Yeah same. I'm just not interested in games that require 100+ hours to become good enough that they're playable at this point in life.

  • is smite 2 cool?
  • Dayum that sucks. Tribes used to be sweet, didn't know it was the same company. I have been educated rat-salute

  • is smite 2 cool?
  • Got one from another user but thanks very much for offering! Watched some videos and it looks neat. possum-party

  • is smite 2 cool?
  • I shoulda asked, is there any moba/at all similar-style game that has your attention right now?

  • is smite 2 cool?
  • Thanks for the reply, that's interesting info. I was considering trying it but I'll probably take your advice and hold off. I'm just jonesing for some multiplayer slop until the dark and darker wipe next week.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • legend of grimrock

    i played legend of grimrock 2 (i think?) when it came out for a while, never beat it but I remember it fondly and always think about downloading it again. good to hear wukong is cool, I'm looking forward to playing it when it's cheaper or gets cracked.

  • is smite 2 cool?

    i never played the first one. i played a crap ton of heroes of the storm for the first couple years it was out, never got into dota or league though.

    This mfer think Hamas is coming for him in Denver lmao?
  • this is neither here nor there but you never read a bio like this about "five lethargic children"

  • Balenciaga is just a massive troll operation to scam rich people
  • "damn dude it would be so sick if my clothes had tribal tattoos"

  • What are yall doing tonight for fun?
  • I'ma get tipsy and check out hextube unless i nap too long sleepless

  • Listen, I don't think this happens but...
  • brunchlimited genocide on the first world

  • Logitech CEO Hanneke Faber wants your next mouse to last forever. The new head of Logitech discusses the company’s return to growth and plans to reduce its carbon footprint by half.
  • cool idea dude but i think what I'm going to go ahead and do is just buy a new one and return your planned obsolent trash back to you in the same box

  • They targeted g@mers.
  • Anyone see that mid thundercat/flylo yasuke anime? The music was nice tho

  • Locked
    Hexday 2024, Happy 4th year anniversary nerds!!! - New General Megathread for the 24th-26th of July 2024
  • Anyone have a working link to the compilation of pigs getting got set to the macarena that posted a few years ago?

    Edit: found it

    Cw: cops getting owned at varying levels of permanence

  • so say i wanted to take gta v for a spin for the first time, nothin crazy but maybe a fancy graphics mod or somethin

    and i wanted to torrent it, could i just get that 36 gig fitgirl repack from 2018? i guess uhh- do i need to be cognizant of versions or anything for adding mods? i don't wanna play as goku or the hulk or anything, just an updated textures/lighting mod if my pc can do it, and maybe QoL stuff, or feel free if there's anything important you think i should have for playing it the first time. i haven't done mod stuff since skyrim ten years ago blahblah

    what is the strongest bergamot earl gray?

    i am want to become bergamot, imbiber of lumpy green orange

    Somehow i never tried earl gray until a couple weeks ago. It tastes like a new color and I'm obsessed. Stash double bergamot isn't enough, it's barely different than bigelow (but it's the best I've found). I want more. I'm a perv for berg.

    I want a bergamot tea bag that treats the tea leaves as an afterthought and i haven't found it. I've tried stash, bigelow, walmart, harney and sons, private selection, twinings, and one other british sounding one that I'm forgetting atm. Stash double and bigelow are the best by far but i want like at least quadruple the bergamot flavor. Do i need to buy a vial of bergamot oil and drink it until i cry and realize the error of my ways?

    Not having sufficiently bergamot-essenced earl gray is my own afghanistan.

    we had to sing achy breaky heart and fuckin proud to be an american when i was in elementary school

    death to america

    they even do the vocoder hell yeah

    If you're at all able to travel to the april 8 solar eclipse within the path of totality, please, please do it

    Words, pictures, videos don't do it justice. I drove across the country for the one in 2017 and it was the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Sacrificing people on top of a pyramid isn't my preference but i kinda understand where the aztecs/mel gibson were coming from. For real though totality is like a divine searing hole opening in the sky that connects you to cosmic ancient human experience even if just for a few moments. The moon is an actual giant thing falling toward us in perpetuity and never is it more tangibly understandable as such than when it falls literally perfectly in front of the fucking sun. Streamers of plasma millions of miles long whipping out around the black disc of the moon. Undulating liquid-like shadow ripples called shadow bands appear on the actual ground, it's like standing on the beach looking down as a wave washes back out to sea but the beach is the planet on which all life lives and dies and the wave is the infinity of outer space, and you barely even hear about them because the eclipse itself is just that much more spectacular. For most people in the united states, this is the last chance they'll have to see it in their lifetimes. my bad actually there's another couple chances in 2044/2045, but still.

    mycology Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
    Favorite finds from the last couple weeks

    On the top is artist's conk, Ganoderma applanatum. You can draw on the pore surface with a sharp stick. Its Japanese name — kofuki-saru-no-koshikake — means “Powder-Covered Monkey’s Bench” which like, come on, who doesn't love that. Apparently the spores can end up on the tops due to electrostatic forces (don't ask me) so imagine a lil monkey taking a seat on one of these and then he stands up and there's powder on his butt! Ha! 🤭

    Also Diane Fossy wrote that they're a prized gorilla snack and they'll even fight over them.

    Then we've got a funeral bell, Gallerina marginata. G. marginata is in some ways the opposite of a Good margarita as ingesting even a piece of the already small mushroom could have enough amatoxin to kill you if left untreated.

    In the middle is crown-tipped coral, Artomyces pyxidatus. I was really happy to find this one as it was my first time coming across a coral fungus. At a distance I almost mistook it for the white jelly fungus that's all over the forest right now.

    The bottom-right are a pair of cinnabar chanterelles, Cantharellus cinnabarinus. They're also called red chanterelles but to me it would be crazy to pass up the chance to use the word "cinnabar." They're usually small - maybe around two inches tall - but these were an inch, probably less. If it was a larger patch maybe I'd have taken some home to eat but there were only a few (all tiny) so I left em for the creatures.

    Darthsenio Mall - Bagworm Dreams [OC]

    bagworm moths build little shelters they carry around on their backs, it's unbelievable

    Found Cerioporus squamosus, aka dryad saddle/pheasant back

    Weirdly, it smelled strongly of cucumbers when it was fresh. Removed the pore surface, sliced into strips and sautéed it in butter. 10/10 texture, 3/10 taste. Crispy on the outside and meaty on the inside, tender but firmer than button mushrooms. Some pieces tasted fine like a normal mushroom but others had an unwelcome sort of aromatic wood/chemically flavor.

    I cooked more than just the two in the picture - it could be that the larger (therefore older) ones had the strong taste, or possibly the type of tree that a few of them came from imparted a flavor.

    Probably won't go out of my way for them in the future but if I was backpacking for a night or two and came across some I'd for sure cook em up.

    Here's a grape hyacinth up really close

    It's a whole lil place in there. You could kick back on an anther and still have plenty of room for company.

    I made simple syrup with the flowers and used it for a color-changing Tom Collins. The pigment of the flowers reacts with acid and changes from dark purple/blue to bright pink. It has a nice flavor too though it's pretty subtle.
