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At least 50 dead and millions without power after Helene devastates south-eastern US
  • For anyone in the area of Unicoi, TN, there is a group meeting at the high school tomorrow morning to help clean debris and distribute supplies.

  • Do you pronounce "Data" as "Day-ta" or "Dah-ta"?
  • Depends on the context. I have day-ta, you have dah-ta. They use dah-ta, and their conclusions are supported by the day-ta. That day-tabase holds lots of day-ta, and that dah-ta sent across the network.

  • In old biographies, there was the college “bull session”, staying up late and discussing the issues of the world. Did you have that experience?
  • Yeah, except my experience, it was in a team speak server, smoking cigarettes over a game of unreal or quake 3 instead of a 3" diameter cigar over a game of chess. Spiritually and effectively the same as in those old biographies though.

    For reference, this was at a midsized state university in the south in the early 2010s

  • What is your favorite comic book publisher? (DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, etc.)
  • Dark Horse when I was younger, mostly because of all the tie-in titles. Now days, definitely DC. Image does put out some really good stuff though - basically anything by Robert Kirkman

  • Who is your favorite DC Comics character?
  • Batman is my #1, but The Flash is solid 2nd place

  • The secret to good writing
  • I also like the Scorpion King. Even further, I like the Scorpion King franchise, especially 3 and 4

  • The secret to good writing
  • Titan AE has exactly 50% on Rotton Tomatoes, but I'm giving it a shout out anyway because it is an underrated gem

  • Why does my treadmill want my email address?
  • Or you use a VPN on your router

  • Are there any "famous" Lemmy users?
  • For whatever this is worth, he is argumentative & unfriendly enough for him to be mentioned multiple times in this thread as a famous asshole. (Note, many comments have now been "removed by mod" - but they were there. Just mentioning it in case someone tries to Ctrl+F their name to verify.)

  • Are there any "famous" Lemmy users?
  • I saw a comment the other day where they (Flying Squid) claimed to be in their 40s. Idk about mental health issues, but they are incredibly hostile/argumentative in comments.

  • What is everyone reading lately? (08/06/2024)
  • Recently finished "The Astounding Wolf-man" vol. 1, and plan to get vol. 2 the next time that I go into town.

    I've also had New 52 Batman vol. 4 & 5 (Zero Year Arc) sitting on my desk ready to start the moment that I take a notion. Just haven't been in as much of a comics mood lately as normal.

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • Ok, will do! You have fun ignoring facts that are contradictory to your worldview. At least we agree that it was "unfair for [you] to get into too much of a back and forth about the video without having any idea what’s in it."

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • He calls out citations for claims in the video

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • So, to be clear, after 3 highly confrontational comments about how bad the contents of the video are, you STILL have not watched it? I think you are right, we are done here. This was such a weird pro-ignorance hill to die on.

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • So, I was right that you didn't watch the video, and instead of watching the video, you STILL did not watch the video. And you STILL don't know what the core of the video is about because AI is shit at summarizing stuff like this. It wants to present a list of talking points, but does not know how to emphasize important parts or highlight which parts were focused on the longest.

    I don't have the time to debunk all of this gish-gallop. The main points are that what you identified as "If this was the core of the video, it’d be grand" and "More good stuff" - IS the core of the video - taking up, a roughly estimated, 15 minutes of the 21-minute video runtime. Your speculation that "The solution is not to vote for Biden/Harris" is incorrect, as the actual call to action was to be more active in Democratic primaries. (Specifically calls out George Ladimer vs Jamal Bowman in New York as an example).

    Honestly? If this video was being made in 1995 or 2004, it’d be great.

    Yeah, pretty much exactly what I said in my original comment. Most of this video is providing historical context and explaining how the modern American political-economic system works.

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • I really feel like you replied without watching the video because none of that is from the video.

    The video explains what a sacrificial villain is in the context of a two-party partisan legislator, expands on why this is necessary in modern politics, then encourages the viewers to continue to support more progressive Democrats so that the strategy is more difficult to pull off successfully without alienating large populations of voters.

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • Surprising to see so many on lemmy not watch the video, or recognize that it is by Second Thought.

    I watched this video earlier today and it didn't contain any particularly new or insightful information for me, but that's almost entirely because I've been somewhat politically active for a while, which I don't think is strictly his target demographic at this point.

    Second thought's videos were very uncomfortable but informative when I was first learning about socialism.

    Again, just surprising to me that they aren't more popular in this online space.

  • Good game soundtracks?
  • Rise of Nations soundtrack is fantastic sandis the only "video game music" that I semi-regularly listen to.

    Especially check out "High Strung" that would always play in multiplayer whenever a player dropped a nuke on another player.

  • City’s Public Health Vending Machine Program Ends With Just Four Installed Out of 10 Announced.
  • I'm reading a book called "Mutual Aid" by Dean Spade. A project like this is exactly what the book recognizes as a good mutual aid project!

    The sad news as that the end of this project with mired with almost every cause the book outlines as the downfall of most good mutual aid projects.

    I hope this project can eventually be turned back around and salvaged into something more helpful for more people in a more sustainable and long term timescale.

  • Diesel-smelling
  • From a refinery? Losing car dependency doesn't mean that the global oil industry goes away over night. Shoot, if we invented completely safe and cheap scifi teleporters, making all current forms of transportation obsolete, I don't believe every factory in the world would stop producing gasoline.

    My thinking for this primarily comes from vacuum tubes. The technology has been completely replaced by better performing, cheaper, smaller, and more reliable components for about 50 years now. However, there are still 2 or 3 factories churning out tubes for guitar amplifiers supplying the world for the handful of enthusiasts who enjoy that sort of thing.

    Go ahead and throw mechanical typewriters into that same category of "Wow! I can't believe that they still make these?" as well.

  • Acoustic Guitarists on the Places That Made Them

    [Premier Guitar]

    "Our columnist asks his favorite acoustic players how their hometowns, new and old, have changed the music they make.

    As musicians, we tend to put most of our mental energy into the “next thing”: that next song, show, tour, or piece of gear. The beauty of music-making is that there is always somewhere new to go, but it’s also important to remember that we all came from somewhere. In this column, I connect with some excellent acoustic players about the places that shaped their playing and their craft, where they started and where their music has taken them."

    Featured Artists: Micah Blue Smaldone, Charlie Rauh, Rosali, James Elkington, and Nathan Salsburg

    [Video] James Hargreaves Guitar - What Happens When You Beatle-ify A Simple Song?

    I know this isn't strictly about guitar, but I figured that the main theme was close enough and that the video fits the vibe of this community.

    [Content Creator] CSGuitars rebranding to "Science of Loud" ?

    Facebook and Youtube pages appear to be completely rebranded.

    I hope that Colin isn't selling off or stepping away from the channel. He has produced great content for years. His pragmatic approach to gear selection and maintenance combined with simple and easy-to-understand explanations made him a valuable asset to the community. I know that I've learned a lot about how my gear works and how to best select and modifier gear to get the effect that I want thanks directly to CSGuitars.

    Roku TV bricked until agreeing to new terms of service

    See title - very frustrating. There is no way to continue to use the TV without agreeing to the terms. I couldn't use different inputs, or even go to settings from the home screen and disconnect from the internet to disable their services. If I don't agree to their terms, then I don't get access to their new products. That sucks, but fine - I don't use their services except for the TV itself, and honestly, I'd rather by a dumb TV with a streaming box anyway, but I can't find those anymore.

    Anyway, the new terms are about waiving your right to a class action lawsuit. It's weird to me because I'd never considered filing a class action lawsuit against Roku until this. They shouldn't be able to hold my physical device hostage until I agree to new terms that I didn't agree at the time of purchase or initial setup.

    I wish Roku TVs weren't cheap walmart brand sh*t. Someone with some actual money might sue them and sort this out...

    EDIT: Shout out to for recommending the brand "Sceptre" when buying my next (dumb) TV.

    EDIT2: Shout out to for recommending LG smart TVs as a dumb-TV stand in. They apparently do require an agreement at startup, which is certainly NOT ideal, but the setup can be completed without an internet connection and it remembers input selection on powerup. So, once you have it setup, you're good to rock and roll.

    2024 Wayne Henderson Music Festival to be the last 2024 Wayne Henderson Music Festival to be the last - Bluegrass Today

    The Wayne Henderson Music Festival, a popular performance and competition event in southwestern Virginia, has announced that this year's will be the last.

    2024 Wayne Henderson Music Festival to be the last - Bluegrass Today

    The Henderson music festival jump-started many careers and encouraged many players to go beyond their current abilities. This is a major loss for bluegrass & country guitarists, and the greater music community across the Appalachian mountains.

    [Discussion] Picks & other plectrum

    Let's share about our favorite guitar picks.

    Jazz III's are a popular favorite in my area, although I've almost always bought the cheapo Fender mediums and heavys. My dad played these powdergripped Dunlap tortexes for years, but they always felt so weird and out of place to me. I have a professional musician friend who swears by BlueChip flat picks. I'll defer to the community towards fingerpicks, felt picks, and sixpence coins.

    [Discussion] What technique are you working on right now?

    Just trying to inject some life into this community beyond NGD post.

    What techniques are you struggling with right now? What does your practice routine look like for improving that skill? Any advice you want to give to the other players on here?

    Intro to Slide Guitar and How To Play | Fender Intro to Slide Guitar and How To Play

    Interested in learning how to play slide guitar? Discover tips on sizing, set-up, tuning, as well as slide guitar techniques for beginners with Fender.

    Intro to Slide Guitar and How To Play
    Intro CS: Python, Java, C, Lisp, or Haskell?

    How does your school/university teach it? What have been the pros and cons of that choice? Obviously, teaching students logical and foundational concepts is the most important part, but a student's first programming language does color their internalization of the concepts and how they approach solving different problems. For example, OOP is really hard to grasp coming from a functional background. Learning how to manage memory efficiently and use appropriate data types is really hard coming from an interpreted language like Python or Javascript. What have you and your peers decided works best for you and your students?

    Request for Nonfiction must reads

    What non-fiction book could you just not put down? Was it a biography? Some obscure textbook? A collection of papers or speeches? Share your suggestions below!

    Project Ideas For Selection Statements

    Hey all, I want to revamp some of my assignments this coming semester. One of the first projects I always start with is something to get some hands-on experience with conditional logic. However, these projects are getting pretty stale at this point. So, I'm turning to this community for some fresh ideas.

    Keep in mind, these assignments are for brand-new programmers within the first 2-4 weeks of the course. At this point, they won't have really been taught loops, functions, collections, etc., beyond that they exist. They really just know basic syntax, variable types, and terminal input and output. This is where they will practice working with boolean expressions and selection statements like if-else, if-else if-else, and switch.

    Here's what I've been doing for some reference:

    • Write a program to turn an integer grade into a letter grade.

      • 50 -> F
      • 81 -> B-
      • 99 -> A+
    • Write a program to convert a number from 1 to 7 into the corresponding day of the week.

      • 1 -> Monday
      • 7 -> Sunday
    • Write a program that determines the time necessary for sound to travel a given distance in a given medium.

      • 500ft, water -> 0.1s
      • 1500ft, air -> 1.3s
    • Write a program that determines the total price of a bulk order of widgets, with discounts for orders over a certain amount according to some table.

      • 30 -> $30
      • 500 -> $300
    • Write a program that determines the quadrant of a given point.

      • 15, 7 -> Quadrant I
      • 6, -4 -> Quadrant IV
    Request for Couch Co-Op Games on Switch

    I'm looking for something new to play with my 7yo son. Mario games are a great amount of fun, but I'm feeling pretty burnt out and am looking to expand things a little bit. We are looking for cooperative games like Pikmin 3, Cuphead, and Hyrule Warriors rather than competitive-only games like Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart. We appreciate whatever help you all can offer, so thanks in advance!

    DaleGribble88 DaleGribble88

    College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning

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