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Wells Fargo employee found dead at her cubicle. It took 4 days for anyone to notice.
  • When I'm feeling too happy, I wonder how long it would be before someone found me dead. I live alone and work remotely, so my boss and coworkers might be confused or annoyed if I didn't login to work for days, but probably wouldn't call the police or anyone for a while. I have group chats with friends and call family, but not really on a regular schedule, so not responding for 3-4 days wouldn't be weird. I just hope my cat would find food or eat my corpse to survive.

  • Behavioural Science
  • Did they? This was probably after the Tobias almost kills himself out of depression but then accepts his hawk body arc, so I can't imagine why they thought it was okay to try and traumatize him again.

  • Behavioural Science
  • Oh yeah, it was a mix of body horror, the brutalities of war, the unconscionable weight of leadership, and happy fun time seagull antics.

    The time limit was 2 hours or you got stuck. And that happened in the first book to emphasize "kids, this is real."

  • Behavioural Science
  • Oh god I think this is from the Animorphs book where they have to fight another human, not their typical alien enemies. They gave David morphing powers, but he turned/was evil, and so Rachel has to trap him as a rat and leave him out onto some abandoned island or some shit. Those books were brutal.

  • Congratulations to SetSneedtoFeed for their Pic of the Week!
  • No, the sign creates a drug-free zone. So if you even try to get near the school with drugs, an invisible forcefield stops you. Please ignore those teens smoking weed behind the school; they're obviously hallucinations.

  • Weird question from a weird guy
  • Would your answer change if she was actually 18? It still seems crazy manipulative. In some countries, the age of consent is 16. Would this be okay if she's 16 in one of those countries? (Let's ignore countries below that age)

    I struggle between two ideas: One, where I believe that at the age of majority, a person should get full rights (voting, emancipation, legal, consent, medical, etc.) and it seems wrong to let people vote but not make choices about their body (like drinking alcohol). And two, protecting the young from themselves, like by restricting labor, or setting smoking and drinking ages higher than a majority age,, because those damage still-developing brains way more.

    We can fight about what the age of majority should be (16, 17, 18, 21?). I would definitely be okay if this tweet was about a 30-year-old, but I'm not okay with it being a 10-year-old. But whether it's 16 or 18 or 22 where it crosses the line is tough for me.

  • Why Are You Staying On Windows 11?
  • I miss NX. My company uses SolidWorks, and it's...okay, I guess? But I'm aggravated on a weekly basis because it doesn't do something that NX could. But cost is the issue. I think you can get like 5 SW licenses for the cost of a single NX one.

  • A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, next Sunday, A.D.
  • Having one of these calendars in every book was amazing! I remember marking up one of these timelines in the later novels (Yuuzhan Vong, maybe?), so I could make sure I'd read (or owned) every EU book available. And then new books came out, so I had to write them in. Great little addition, rather than just a list!

  • I only ever used it for Pokemon, but I'm sure there were other uses.
  • I remember it for Pokemon, but also for those Zelda games that were a pair - Oracle of Ages/Seasons? But I don't think it let you do much, just continue a game save when you finished one of the two games.

  • Removed
    10-year-olds found working at McDonald's until 2 am.
  • I feel like important context is that they were kids of the manager. That changes this from a bad corporate governance and exploitation of labor situation to something else: a bad parenting/child abuse, bad corporate governance and exploitation of labor situation.

  • What's something that seems obvious within your profession, but the general public seems to misunderstand?
  • Space is hard. You're strapping something inside a big tube with basically directed explosives at the bottom, hoping it survives the trip, then subjecting it to constant radiation, huge temperature swings, and other brutal environmental factors like micrometeoroids. Just because we've been sending satellites and people up to space for nearly 70 years doesn't mean it's gotten easier; we're just better at knowing what to expect so we can test for it. Failures in rockets or satellites or even manned spacecraft are going to happen as much as we work to prevent them.

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