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The Games Behind Your Government's Next War - People Make Games
  • Well...

    Edit: Ah cool he covers it at the end of the video

  • The Games Behind Your Government's Next War - People Make Games
  • Quinns is married to Leigh Alexander, the lady who wrote "Gamers are Over". PMG also did this video on the Disco Elysium situation, which er... isn't exactly their finest bit of reporting.

    I've been a fan of Shut Up and Sit Down (their tabletop games focused channel) for a long time but I wouldn't call them socialists.

  • Okay, seriously tho
  • There's not enough text for it to be the former

  • Earthbound
  • Be the American the Japanese think you are


  • Serial Experiments Lain, the Playstation game, translated and playable in a browser
  • haven't played the game (it was basically impossible to find translated versions until now) but from what I heard it has the same general plot but the details are different, and it had a darker tone than the show

  • has anyone here watched Scavenger's Reign?
  • Yes! Reminded me so much of Wayne Barlowe's Expedition which is one of my favourite books on speculative zoology, although in comparison Scavenger's Reign has a stronger focus on environmentalism and is a bit more of a character piece than anything.

    There's a short made by the creators of Scavenger's Reign on youtube that's free that feels like a prototype of what the show eventually becomes, it's great and you should def check it out

    Edit: Also I think we mostly post about tv shows in the movie board lol

  • It's funny how easy it is to sus out a new account being deliberately reactionary.
  • Winter Soldier activation code words, but for Hexbears

  • What is your favourite card art? (Any game, ccg, lcg)
  • Modern Netrunner's art isn't as good as the FFG days but it's 200% more based

  • Just started watching Evangelion, no one told me it was funny
  • Ok so this is kinda a big topic but I'll do my best to break it down. To cut to the chase I think Eva stands on it's own reasonably well, although maybe knowing the general history of the genre or having a passing familiarity with the tropes may enhance your enjoyment of the show.

    Mecha as a genre starts with Super Robot (Tetsujin-28, Mazinger Z, Getter Robo), as an extension of the kinda Sci-Fi stories made popular by the likes of Astroboy. To broadly generalize these are (usually) Saturday Morning Cartoon stuff, adjacent to tokusatsu (live action special effects shows, think Power Rangers and Ultraman) so it's all simplistic young protagonist saves the world from the forces of evil with their cool giant robot Modernist Power of Science and Progress power fantasy (but also some of these original shows go into WILD places because basically if your writing Sci-Fi in Japan in the 70's you're some kinda Leftist). Imo you don't have to go watch these old shows, just knowing that they very much directly inspire Eva should give you all the background you need here.

    As we get to the 80's, we get to the Real Robot split. Basically creators decide that they've had enough of writing Saturday Morning Cartoons, they want to write real hard Sci-Fi like Isaac Asimov, Arthur C Clark and Robert Heinlein... and then finding out the only way to do that is to make animated toy commercials. But they manage to despite this commercial limitation, so you get shows like Mobile Suit Gundam and Space Battleship Yamato which are nuanced meditations on the nature of war drawn from the lived experiences of the generation that survived WW2, and they express their anti-fascism very strongly in their art.

    I highly recommend the original Mobile Suit Gundam (UC0079). The compilation movies (Mobile Suit Gundam The Movie, Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow and Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space) are great watches and condense the series into a decent runtime, although you will definitely miss some stuff from the series. It serves as a pretty decent baseline for what Eva is critiquing, although even here there's more nuance than "Gundam Tropes Bad", where Eva is more in a dialogue with things Gundam's doing as a story that's evolving beyond the kinda pulpy Saturday Morning Cartoon roots of the genre.

    Mecha as a genre is compelling because the Giant Robot is such a potent visual metaphor and storytelling vehicle. But I think what's special about Eva, and why it has lasting power as a story, is because up till that point no one had ever bothered to question if the kinds of stories we tell ourselves about our technology and our wars were worth telling in the first place, or if they're just comforting lies designed to fill a vacuum in our souls. I think Eva still stands up well even without the larger context of the deconstruction, just from it's sheer brazenness in being willing to break down every single tiny aspect of it's characters and dive into their psychology, while avoiding easy answers, to show human beings as the messy imperfect creatures that they are- it's more character study than anything else.

    (And, like, it's extremely wild that this kinda injection of Postmodern literature is happening to... what isn't really that far off from a Saturday Morning Cartoon, but the 90's were the Wild West of animation, History had Ended (thanks Francis Fukuyama) and um, the director of Eva really suffered from severe depression so... hey, I guess poison pilling existential dread into your Giant Robot show is a winning formula or we wouldn't be talking about it now.)

    P.S. Gurren Lagann is my favourite show of all time (or close to it) but I'll strongly recommend you watch it after Evangelion. Basically the staff who worked on that show were the protege's of the staff who worked on Eva, and Gurren Lagann was them saying "Hey you were right to question all those tropes, but the underlying principles the genre is built on, Hopefulness of the Future and a Belief in the Human Spirit (I'm trying to be as vague as possible to avoid spoilers) aren't bad things and are worth preserving and we're going to prove it with this show." It's a continuation of that larger meta-dialogue all this art is having, and imo it's best experienced in order.

  • Just started watching Evangelion, no one told me it was funny
  • Keep in mind that Eva is also meta-criticism of mecha as a genre- almost every single child soldier pilot in all the shows before Eva kinda uncritically “got in the robot”, and Anno going “wait that’s kinda fucked up actually” is why Eva’s considered a deconstruction

    Also I think a lot of replies you’re getting are from people who finished the show, and a bit further in the show is really going to dig into Shinji’s character and he gets a little more sympathetic there I think

  • Just started watching Evangelion, no one told me it was funny
  • This is my problem with the Rebuild of Evangelion movies

  • God, the reddit discourse on the new dragon show is horrendous
  • Most of them are izutsumi for some reason lol

    kbity kbity-how izutsumi-idea

  • blork
  • The Filoniverse is all the worst excesses of the SW Expanded universe stuff, just even less interesting.

    Like at least when Kyle Katarn or Dash Rendar randomly show up in a SW novel it was at least kinda endearing if just as creatively bankrupt

  • Im mad i missed the men bad struggle sesh
  • My off-the-cuff armchair psycho-analyzing (which very well could be wrong, I'm just some random on the internet) is that particular situation tapped into people's own personal relationship traumas- men feeling like their partner refuses to acknowledge their emotions as valid, women's intentions being misunderstood due to toxic masculinity... and so on. And then once you're in that head-space it really is hard to pull yourself out of it, especially when other people visibly roll up with their support for the other side, which makes you go into a defensive crouch to validate your own position on the matter.

    Will we (collectively, as a community) learn anything from this? Oh hell nah.

  • I give you a bowl of cooked rice, what are you doing with it?
  • Imperialist dogs

    Ok but fr different Asian cultures have different culinary habits, the Japanese host was probably reacting the same way a French host would react to someone drenching, I dunno, a soufle in Tabasco sauce would

  • Sony backed down

    Although I don't know if Steam will re-enable sales for regions without PSN coverage.

    US gov fires a warning shot at Nvidia: 'We cannot let China get these chips... If you redesign a chip that enables them to do AI, I'm going to control it the very next day' US gov fires a warning shot at Nvidia: 'We cannot let China get these chips... If you redesign a chip that enables them to do AI, I'm going to control it the very next day'

    The chipmaker has been quick to redesign its products to pass the current restrictions, but US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo seems to have had enough.

    US gov fires a warning shot at Nvidia: 'We cannot let China get these chips... If you redesign a chip that enables them to do AI, I'm going to control it the very next day'

    Lol. Lmao.

    In the funniest timeline, the US nationalizes Nvidia to delay China from making chips that work well with LLM's... by a year tops.

    Link to original Fortune article the PC Gamer article pulled from, with this juicy relevant quote:

    >To do that, Raimondo said the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security, which manages export controls for the US, needs more funding from Congress.

    >“I have a $200 million budget. That’s like the cost of a few fighter jets. Come on,” she said. “If we’re serious, let’s go fund this operation like it needs to be funded.”

    Advanced Interpretation

    >From the comiket only doujin by staff members who worked on GWitch

    I'm usually all for Death of the Author , but fuck Bandai's exec's I'll accept the Word of God if God is this based.

    A Spectre haunts, the Spectre of Hexbear When you notice Lemmy is quieter than usual, then have a look at the status - Lemmy

    Seems like they are under attack again, will those people never stop? I feel sorry for the admin team.

    We're getting scapegoated for the DDOS attack that affected us too yesterday, all because made one (admittedly kinda funny) joke here.

    Normally I wouldn't post petty internet bullshit like this but I thought our admins should know.

    Edit: Entire thread is a gold mine for dunk tank material tho

    Edit2: Now the Spook of is getting namedropped

    Edit3: So after some digging (read: 5 mins browsing lemmy instances) another user made this post saying the attacker was someone with a personal beef with .world completely unrelated to us? Documented methodology of attack is different but similar to the spam bot we got hit with too, but idk I'm just amateur hour here not an OpSec pro.

    Edit4: I was trying to click on the links provided in that post to check but is down !data-laughing

    [Discussion] Chainsawman #138: Sword Man

    This wasn't the character I was expecting to come back

    Edit: !

    Also, we got new Hexbear CSM emoji's! Big shoutout to the people in charge of emoji's!









    and the best one


    New Premium Bandai just dropped

    Sadly I don't have credits, source here from r/Gundam

    Anita Sarkeesian is shutting down Feminist Frequency after 15 years Anita Sarkeesian is shutting down Feminist Frequency after 15 years

    ‘We were talking about representation very early on in a mainstream way’

    Anita Sarkeesian is shutting down Feminist Frequency after 15 years

    Pour one out for a real one

    It's probably a good thing she's retiring on her own terms tho
