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'Celebrity Number Six' Internet Mystery Is Solved
  • the question at the top of this comment thread is "who is it?"

    And in which case, the answer is written in the subtitle of the article, a single click away. Literally the text when you load the page is:

    "Celebrity Number Six' Internet Mystery Is Solved

    Jason Koebler, Sep 9, 2024 at 10:28 AM

    Spanish model Leticia Sardá is Celebrity Number Six."

  • Rule
  • Idk the source, but if you zoom in, it looks like maybe the notch is the top of a speech bubble. So I think it's an identical frame with the bubble on top of the last one.

    I say this largely to convince myself it's not worth staring at any more 😅

  • Looking for advice and shared experiences - ADHD medications stressing my body out
  • Okay yeah sounds like maybe Adderall isn't the right med for you. When I have a period without Adderall and then resume taking it, I'll have a few days/week where I'm headachey and barely hungry. But if I power through, those side effects will go away.

    My psych has said that some people just don't do well with Adderall and other ADHD meds are better for them. My best friend also has ADHD and she recently started Adzenys, which is a very recent med (no generics yet.) What I'm trying to say is there's other types of meds out there and maybe something else will work better for you (side effects and maybe less impact on your HRV score.)

  • Looking for advice and shared experiences - ADHD medications stressing my body out
  • Fellow Garmin user with ADHD.

    The HRV status feature on your Garmin is meant to track physiological stress. Not necessarily mental stress (although that can affect physiological things.) Unfortunately yes, when I'm on my ADHD meds (currently unable to source my Adderall XR) my HRV status is lower.

    But functionally, I'm better when I'm on my ADHD meds. Yes my body has a heightened stress response (i.e. higher HR during the day when I'm on my meds) from the meds, but in my opinion that's a necessary side effect of the ADHD meds. I'd rather be functional and capable and have a worse HRV than spend hours laying on the floor feeling like I can't function because of my ADHD.

    Your HRV status covers a rolling 4-week average. Given enough time on the meds, it will learn your new HRV trends and stop reporting you as "unbalanced." It looks worse than it is right now because the initial period of getting on meds is making it look like your system is out of whack. Which honestly it kind of is, as it's adjusting. Once you figure out the med combo for you, not only will your HRV settle down from getting used to the meds, but the score on your Garmin will also settle down as you spend more time in your "new normal" range.

    Basically what I'm saying is: HRV on your Garmin is more intended to track the impact of training and exercise on your body, and not necessarily intended to track how medication changes affect the score. Personally I would take the Garmin readings with that grain of salt: the changes to your score are due to meds rather than exercise, so it's sort of outside the intended use of the feature. Keep up with the meds and keep up with your normal training, but your Daily Suggested Workouts will probably be a bit easier while it recovers from thinking your status is Unbalanced.

  • Mark read on scroll is not working
  • Hey have you seen this fixed?

    I don't have the setting enabled for mark read on scroll, but I am using the setting for mark read on peek. That isn't working for me right now.

    Hoping this is the same bug and we're both waiting on the fix, rather than this being a case of patching the original bug and causing a new one 😅

  • These mouth guards are flavored?
  • Growing up we were on a swim team and my brother would chew on his goggle straps while waiting for a race. My parents bought us some flavored goggle straps lol. I think they were blueberry flavor...

    Goggles aren't even something designed to go in your mouth like a mouth guard, but I guess they knew kids chewed on them so why not

  • Mr. Moustache
  • Cool! A TNR kitty!

    If you see a stray with an eartip (the top point removed from one ear) this is a sign of a Trap-Neuter-Return cat. It's the sign that an outdoor kitty has been caught, fixed, and then returned to their outdoor home. It means some humans care about this cat and their colony 🙂

    More on ear tipping. More on TNR.

  • I finally found a rule worth posting

    I don't think my lurking counts as breaking the rules, I'm just fulfilling my commitment late.

  • Interesting, after Googling, it looks like both Weetabix and Weetbix are a thing. It was started in Australia as Weetbix and eventually expanded internationally with a factory in England. They renamed it Weetabix to differentiate the product from that sold in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

    An interesting internet rabbit hole I didn't expect to go down today, ha! My English grandparents often ate Weetabix, and when you said it was Australian, I didn't believe you (and had a typo lol.) Turns out it's both. I'd assumed Brits must have introduced it over there, but it's the opposite.

  • me_irl
  • So there are situations where it wouldn't be appropriate to be openly vulnerable. Like in the middle of class, standing up and telling everyone your past trauma. That's not an appropriate time to share.

    But if the people you were with just didn't want you to be open and vulnerable, that's on the people, not you. It's better to be surrounded by people who accept you and are willing to hear your truth.

  • Scooty's biggest blep of all time

    This is Scooty, sometimes known as Scout. She's currently 11 years old and was 9 in this photo. She's a bit of a dingdong and we love her very much. Please enjoy this giant blep.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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