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thanks lain (rule)
  • Thank you Lain!

  • xkcd #2954: Bracket Symbols
  • Old British person here, I was always taught double quotation marks for speech and single quotation marks for actually quoting something.

  • The plan is simple:
  • Late Friday evening at the checkout there's three of us in the queue. Guy at the front has two frozen pizzas, guy number 2 has a bottle of Vodka, guy number 3 (me), has a bottle of wine. None of us have used a divider, after all I'm not paying for his vodka and he's not going to buy my wine.

    We're joined by a woman with a trolley full of chaos and she asks me if she can go in front as she's in a hurry.

    "Sure, but I've only got this" she sees the other two singletons and grumbles. Then she notices the lack of dividers and shouts "WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???" and proceeds to SLAM down dividers between us.

    From then on, I never use dividers, just to see who in the queue is likely to erupt.

  • Progress happens with every death
  • I was looking to see if this had been posted! A fascinating and essential look at how our modern civilization came to be.

  • doot doot
  • thank mr skeltal

  • I was blind, but now I see
  • I was 15 when I first got my glasses. I walked out of the opticians to the bus stop and was stunned that I could actually see and READ the number of the bus approaching from 500 yards away and not when it arrived at the stop.

  • Desk workers of Lemmy, what are your tips for appearing busy in the office even when you might not be?
  • I used to work in a large manufacturing complex and two of us would walk around with clip boards pointing and taking "notes". If anyone would ask what was going on, we'd say we were carrying out random health and safety inspections.

  • You have 15$. How would you spend it so that you'll be the happiest you can be for 15$ ?
  • There's an independent coffee shop in the park by me, so a cappuccino, a big slice of carrot cake and just enough change for a lottery ticket.

  • The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake
  • but lost the charger - Hey, I'm in the UK but I have a drawer full of Nokia chargers if you need one! ( I keep them to impress the ladies, along with my collection of IKEA Allen keys...)

  • Easter
  • Mmm, chocolate raisins, I can eat a lot of them

  • Easter

    So what are we all doing?

    I've been road testing hot cross buns (for science) and so far M&S are the best. I had good intentions for some serious gardening, (cutting trees, digging and planting stuff) but it looks like the weathers going to be shit, so we're going to Costco instead.

    Your first distribution
  • Relatively new full-time Linux user here. My first experience of using Linux was Knoppix. I had it on cd-rom to troubleshoot Windows, got into media servers and xbmc, so had a few OpenElec machines. Now have Mint as a daily driver.

  • Removed
    best Nicolas Cage movie?
  • You guys got the wrong "rock". Red Rock West is where it's at.

  • New from Cunk
  • Ok aqueducts, but else have the Romans done us?

  • New from Cunk
  • What have the Romans ever done for us...?

  • Sky Movies Today ...

  • Chicken soup
  • Fruit 'n' Fiber

  • Just the thing for lunch on a freezing Friday
  • Mmmm...licking the inside of the carton

  • Just the thing for lunch on a freezing Friday
  • It's what Americans call Jelly

  • Just the thing for lunch on a freezing Friday
  • Don't wonder, just savour that bananary custard warmth

  • Just to remind everyone that we are entering the Transwarp Time Bubble known as the Christmas Holidays....

    ....and that tomorrow is of course Saturday, followed by three Sundays, two Mondays, a Friday then two more Saturdays and a Sunday. Then back to Monday which of course, falls on a Tuesday.

    Our Aldi has a brand new fleet of trolleys

    Super smooth and full control on cornering...

    Tunnel Vision

    So the family and I are on holiday in Greece and we're on a bus ride to see some place and we go through a long tunnel. I naturally go "oooooooooooooo" as we enter. My family look at me in shame, the rest of the passengers just look...

    Sort by date

    Hi guys, is there a way to sort search results by date?

    Aldi! What are you playing at????

    Can't be having the same colour caps for different milk... Breakfast will be a disaster

    Codandchips CodandChips

    ...and one those big pickled onions

    Posts 12
    Comments 44