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[東方/Electronic folk/ NKpop/ Touhou] Night Falls ~ Evening Star (Yukari’s IaMP theme)

Finally "beat" a Touhou game, I bought 19 and just did Reimu and Marisa's stories (normal mode, multiple continues used.) so I am posting this one to celebrate. Enjoy Yukari NKpop :kim-peace:

[東方/Salsa dura/ Touhou] Pierrot of the Big Apple (Clownpiece’s theme)

This is one of the first songs I heard from Someone, twas not long before I'd go on to accrue a collection of favorite songs, which I will post in the future.

Anyhoo, this one is nice, enjoy Clownpiece dressed up in the flag of Puerto Rico

[東方/Cumbia Psicodélica/ chicha/Cumbia/ Touhou] Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall (MoF stage 4 theme)

I really like the vibe of this one, the sfx of van doors sliding shut and the noises of a motorway really makes you feel like Batman you're riding the Tengu Combi service

(Also this is the theme of the stage I've yet to get past in MoF. At least I can semi-regularly get to Aya now)

[東方/Cumbia Psicodélica/ chicha/ cumbia/ Touhou] Aki Medley (Minoriko and Shizuha’s themes)

Here we go again, more of Someone's music. Yet to beat MoF, so I'm gonna be hearing the game versions of these themes a lot more in the future, good thing they're so good, eh?

[東方/bal-musette/Polka/ Touhou] Night of Nights

I told ye I was gonna post Someone's work again, so here is another select one. (The one that managed to catch the algo that is. 50k views, wow! (Also I am posting these in c/games cause I think of Touhou as a games franchise and I'd rather not flood c/music with crossposts k thx until next time))

[東方/Salsa dura/ Salsa/Touhou] Flight of the bamboo cutter ~ Lunatic Princess (Kaguya’s theme)

A friend showed me this channel recently

Afterwards a short time passes and now I am trying to beat Mountain of Faith and have read through Wild and Horned Hermit and Forbidden Scrollery. Oh no, oh dear, even. Will post more of Someone's work at later times.

It's weird that the Mario series invented a bunch of characters during the Gamecube era that they just... kind of forgot.
  • I'm talking new gameplay innovations, enemies, level designs, movement techniques! The characters are just what bridges it together, the differences between Mario 64, Galaxy 1&2 and Odyssey are miles apart! The only major thing they have common is the standard Mario cast, everything else is new and different.

    Bah, I don't even buy Nintendo products anymore (:pirate-jammin:), so I shouldn't care, but I do, cause I still think they're good and innovative games when they put their best into it.

  • It's weird that the Mario series invented a bunch of characters during the Gamecube era that they just... kind of forgot.
  • Yeah, Odyssey was the exception last decade, and so far Nintendo has definitely let their developers and design teams play more fast and loose with their most recent entries. I think if the games see good sales numbers, then they will keep the trend up into the upcoming "Switch 2" era. But, if the sales numbers are deemed to be disappointing by whatever arbitrary metric is used by the company, then we might just see a reverse in course, and doubling down on the restraint-of-wackiness, "reinforcing the brand" once again so they can profit of Mario and Co's recognizable design for merchandise moichendaising and keep the games only to remind people that Mario is in fact a video game character with all his wacky pals (NOT: Toadsworth, King boo, E. Gadd, Any and all Paper Mario characters, Petey, the Piantas, the Lumas, the Bees, those woodcut fellas from Galaxy 2, anything from Odyssey, and many many more characters that will *never* return! reisen-dance ).

    Nintendo: "If its not making us all the money, it might as well be in a 6ft deep grave!" :quark:

  • It's weird that the Mario series invented a bunch of characters during the Gamecube era that they just... kind of forgot.
  • Well, if I were to guess, it has to do with Nintendo's entire "securing the brand" thing back in the late aughts to late 10's. You know, when every single mario game was basically just New Super Mario Bros? When Paper Mario started to really blow? And the party games forgot their entire gameplay loop? I dunno why, but for over a decade Nintendo played everything super safe with the Mario series, there were like 3 new enemy types each game. People like Scott the Woz and Arlo put it much better than I ever could (simply watch 7 hours of Wii U reminiscing), but the point is. Nintendo is scared of a console or franchise doing bad, and they often come to the wrong conclusions as to why their projects fail. The Gamecube wasn't out competed by the PS2 or XBOX cause it was a bad console, but because it didn't offer the conveniences such as dvd playing or catering to the teenage-male-dominated market Nintendo helped to grow the previous two decades. (Talk about getting hoisted.) Nintendo went on to make a more convenient and popular console, sure, but their conclusion was also to play it waaaaaay safer with the Mario brand. Aside from the Galaxy games (all 2 of them), the Mario games lost a lot of their personality. Just look at the travesty that is PM: Sticker Star , or the blandness of NSMB U and NSMB 2. So a lot of their previous decade's catalougue was very lacking in both old "off-brand" characters and new fun ones. And probably for the same weird reasons, Nintendo has an aversion to GC era characters, cause it was one of the worst revenue-wise for Nintendo aside from the Wii U (Which was also created from the same unnecessary caution, wacky, eh?)

    Geh, enough ranting, I gotta go get back to playing Mountain of Faith on the Windows PC! (Why don't we have any Reggie Fils-Aíme emotes)

  • Dagbladet: Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) raising threat level in Norway | Translation in post body
  • The last time I can clearly remember the police going armed for an extended time was after the Utøya massacre and terrorist attack on the AP offices, otherwise cops don't have guns other than one locked in the trunks of cruisers.

  • What's your favorite episode of GLEEBY GLEP?
  • Personally I prefer Gleeby Glep: Gleeb Zams Nilp over Gleeby Glep: Zeb Bleps Dorbagarp, but both are very Ack Ack Ack

  • [Behind the Bastards] Part One: The Inventor of Those 'Troubled Teen' Wilderness Camps Where They Kill Kids
  • I found this at 8 am while browsing this morning. It is now 10:30 and I am not even halfway through. Holy shit death to America and death to Elan what the absolute hell is this. Thank you for sharing this website, I'll make sure to inform others who I know will be interested in this

  • Thoughts on Polish cuisine?
  • I was informed by a Polish friend that strawberries with macaroni is a dessert there, my thoughts were negative after I received that info

  • Locked
    Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • Still sick. Lost all my appetite, I can barely drink tea, I can't find joy or entertainment in anything right now, I am completely mirthless. And cause of this, there is no way I am going to that b-day celebration I am invited to tomorrow, cause 1, I feel like trash and 2, infecting people with contagious disease is usually perceived as rude.

  • Locked
    Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • The WOKE Romans with their WOKE DEI (Divide Et Imperia) biggus-dickus

  • Overkill - Men At Work
  • This is my favorite Men At Work song, eking out the top spot right over It's A Mistake

  • Look at my beautiful boy
  • Hello! But, why he so bolus?

  • im in Poland, what now?
  • Check out the big castle, it's big and is a castle

  • Bringing back 19th century anti-germanic and anti-nordic sentiments
  • Zamn... the world will never again reach this level of racism,,, the westfalen cri

  • Bringing back 19th century anti-germanic and anti-nordic sentiments
  • Ah, finally bringing back squarehead as a slur?? Let's go??? :isaac-pog:

  • The US is Preparing for an Unwinnable War Against China
  • I do wonder how much of the sabre rattling is just so the MIC can make a gazillion dollars off of the up-armament then the USA will just suddenly stop heavily antagonizing China (Let us not kid ourselves that the USA would ever completely normalize relations), turn it's attention to a much more meek target and unleash its arsenal there instead.

    I mean, that would be a more """ideal""" outcome than the US and China duking it out. The MIC makes its gazillions, the US keeps importing treats (such as steel and literally everything else) and China doesn't have to break their lovely neutral foreign policy and keep doing their SWCC undisturbed. Sucks for the other country the USA is going to terrorize, hence the '""""""''s around ideal, the US always hungers for more blood.

  • Removed
    if gumshoe can make it, so can i
  • Yes, very.

    Just, be wary of some of the writing, these games are from the early-to mid 2000's for the most part.

    And definitely do not skip the spinoff series with Edgeworth. The Investigations games are very good, and the sequel is P E A K AA. (You're gonna have to get the fan translation tho as it was never released outside Japan lol, lmao. (ProZD has VA work in it.))

  • Always the same countries
  • Yes, Norway at least, will be officially recognizing Palestine from May 28th onward

  • People Just Love to Play with Words

    I just really like Men At Work

    Minecraft's New Update is Terrible...

    I can't fubging believe Mojangles would do this, I am FUMING

    Courier Flow 6

    :dracula-flow: "Big Empty Wizard of Oz tree so good, it knocked my heart, brain and spine straight out my ass!"

    Rhythm Heaven Custom Remix: Polka Power!

    I have watched this too many times not to share it, Grayfruit has good remixes

    Hope this ka-pleazes the 1.3567 other RH fans on this site :ringside-reporter:

    Did You Forget Gaming?

    Did you forget?

    Right ear the Art of War (Sun Tzu) (Soldier TF2), Left ear TF2 OST (2x speed)

    Listen to this to enhance your TF2 proficiency by up to 53.6%! ! :stalin-sandvich:

    Paul McCartney - Temporary Secretary [Earthbound Soundfont]

    Something something Pink Cloud Shrine something something Dungeon Man

    Cigarette_comedian Cigarette_comedian [he/him]

    No, I don't smoke.

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