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1 yr. ago

  • Agreed, in my experience Tubi and Pluto both have very reasonable length, good quality ads. I declined to re-up on YouTube TV for NCAA football season this year specifically because I can stand their ads. At that price tier, they honestly expect me to sit through My Pillow ads??

  • Flam-my! 👏 Flam-my! 👏 Flam-my! 👏

    We the fans of the Flammulated Owl are a devoted bunch and we will get this little guy to victory

    Tengmalm's Owl

    I saw him in your post earlier and I definitely need more of this big-headed weirdo in my life

    Maybe we could throw Burrowing Owls in the mix and do BFOs vs. the little guys

    I'm indifferent to teams. I follow NCAA not NFL ¯(ツ)_/¯

  • Sheepsquatch is the new jackalope

  • I grew up with a trans girl who is now 38 years old.

    Trans people existed before the internet. Their existence is not a fad.

  • Yeah, this would be a long, scary night of being pretty sure you were going to die. Glad she endured

  • This is already a tracked statistic. It's called the fertility rate. Yes, it's tracked per uterus, and it's actually been falling precipitously for decades:

  • Already happening.

    The only thing you need to do to accomplish this faster is educate girls (making women valuable for things other than childbearing), provide access to birth control and family planning education, and reduce child mortality (reducing the inclination to have "spare children" to replace all the ones you know will die).

    Bangladesh provides a good example of these factors at play:

    "World’s population is projected to nearly stop growing by the end of the century"

    And the collective human fertility rate (births per woman) has been falling for decades:

  • I'm surviving

  • Not autistic, but as a person with a chronic medical condition, damn this hits hard.

  • Hedgehog! Brave bird haha

    Cute isn't everything! I don't find the GHOs that populate my neighborhood particularly cute, but I still love them and get giddy when I hear them. I feel like VEO has some real "ancient witch/wizard" vibes working in its favor, unlike GHO which just reminds me of those old "Woodsy Owl" PSAs 😂

  • The onshore tax havens Delaware, Wyoming, and Nevada are vastly worse in scope than any offshore country. They push the narrative about those "terrible foreign countries" to distract us from this fact.

    The problem is US tax code, not offshore financial centers.

  • Damn, what a great reference. I really wish I had this during our 3.5 month unionizing drive because those motherfuckers tried ALL OF THIS.

    I'm proud to report that three weeks ago we won our union vote by a margin of 5:1. Our union organizers all said they've never seen a success ratio like that in their careers. We're a very spirited community hospital.

  • I actually just gasped out loud as I was scrolling. That thing is amazing

  • Lmfao, just a nurse chiming in to say I appreciate the shit out of you. Pun intended

  • Right, but without Chevron, it just means the federal agencies have to go to court to make changes. All of which cases will be filed in the Fifth Circuit and rubber stamped, I'm sure. I think overturning Chevron would be a mild inconvenience for a second Trump presidency.

  • It's originally about Chevron the company lol. The original Supreme Court case that set the modern precedent was Chevron (the company) vs. Natural Resources Defense Council. That case allowed the EPA to do things like determine safe levels for things like lead in water, particulate matter in air, etc. without explicitly having a whole ass court argument over each and every number that they wanted to set.

    Overturning the original Chevron case will literally dismantle the entire regulatory process in the United States.

  • Yes. Bonobos.

    Human appear to be about halfway between chimps and bonobos on the primate spectrum. The violence of chimps combined with the fluid sexual social habits of bonobos lol