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1 yr. ago

  • The Reading Rainbow/Star Trek crossover episode was epic though.

  • Yes! Let's gooooooooo! Omg where did you get those team mascot stickers? Those are great.

    Nice to see that both teams are fielding a complete psychopath in addition to the classics. Yes, I'm looking at you, Pel's Fishing Owl and Boreal Owl 🤨

  • Ok, that Brown Wood Owl needs to model for a makeup company though

  • It's really neat to see this pic during the day when you can clearly see the yellow irises. I don't know why my brain kind of assumed these classically black-eyed owls just had really dark irises, as opposed to their pupils just being so large at night that you can't see iris at all

  • Very excited! I have the day off, and I've been looking forward to it

  • What a pretty guy! That injury sounds terrible for a bird. Does it heal on its own? Or do they need to do some kind of surgical intervention?

  • Oh these are the straight up Ru Paul of eagle owls. Look at that pose!

  • Still my favorite Star Trek movie. It's just perfection. Thank Nicholas Meyer for that.

  • Oh, you think I only steal hoodies from people I boned. Joke's on you, no hoodie is safe in my presence.

  • I've had several great bosses through the years. Ones who considered teaching me and developing my skills/career to be part of their primary job duties instead of feeling threatened. I learned a ton from them.

    My current boss is also amazing. I'm a nurse at a hospital that just unionized, and she really puts her job on the line to make sure we have what we need to keep the patients on our unit safe. She's a lot of the reason I didn't quit a long time ago.

  • What a wild family history!

    It's so interesting to watch the retrospective reclassification of biology as we learn more and more. To compare what people thought they knew a hundred years ago with what we know now.

  • Whaaaaaaaaat!! So many!

    I knew the Eurasian one because it gets mentioned on the lists of largest owls in the world. I thought it was the one and only.

    I honestly forgot the Verreaux was also an Eagle Owl. Just remembered Verreaux, which is such a wizard name haha.

    I just looked up the Pharaoh, and I would never in my life have guessed a difference between that owl and the GHO. (Except, obviously, the desert pictures lol). Even it's face markings are so similar to GHO!

    Which makes me wonder why the GHO didn't get named as an Eagle Owl of some sort? Quirk of history, I suppose.

  • Let's fill out these teams!!

  • Long Eared Owl

  • Great Gray Owl

  • Great Horned Owl

  • Burrowing Owl

  • Eagle Owl

  • Saw Whet Owl