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  • Dude, he's literally got a mushroom head. He is the fat knob.

  • 8 versions of UUID and when to use them

    Here's the package one of our former developers created. It has some advantages and some drawbacks, but overall it's been quite a treat to work with!

  • 8 versions of UUID and when to use them
  • At the company I work at we use UUIDv7 but base63 encoded I believe. This gives you fairly short ids (16 chars iirc, it includes lowercase letters) that are also sortable.

  • Life comes at you fast Jeff...
  • I do not think many democrats have insisted that. Biden did considerably better on content, he actually got his facts right whereas Trump lied constantly. But presentation is everything, and Biden failed horribly at that.

    Of course, the day after Biden seems fine again at the rally he did. Really unfortunate for him.

  • Nuclear push would drag out energy transition, PM warns
  • If you install solar in the meantime you don't need the nuclear reactor anymore by the time it's finished. It's a financial sinkhole.

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • It's only an Oxford comma if it's from the region of Oxford. Otherwise it's just sparkling interpunction.

  • JWST Detects the Earliest, Most Distant Galaxy in the Known Universeβ€”And It’s Super Weird
  • This was in the national news like a week ago in the Nerherlands. I remember coming across an article about it.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Sure, most countries that already made it use hydro. But Denmark is already up tp 80% without hydro, and the UK and Germany are already nearly halfway there without any meaningful hydro. And there's still so much solar and wind that can still be installed. They're nowhere near their maximum production capacity yet.

    100% from renewables is clearly feasible and achievable. Of course it takes time and investments, but nuclear energy will takre more time and investments to get going again.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • We're nowhere near the potential capacity for energy production from renewables, and already we're capable of doing 100% renewable power production.

    Potential capacity is really not the issue.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • We should be able to build them cheaper and faster, not slower and more expensive. And there are countries in the world, that can get it done cheaper, so why can't we?

    It's because we stopped building them. We have academic knowledge on how to do it but not the practical/technical know-how. A few countries do it because they're doing a ton of reactors, but those don't come cheap either.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Renewables will not cover your usage.

    False. Multiple countries are already able to run on 100% renewables for prolonged periods of time. The bigger issue is what to do with excess power. Battery solutions can cover moments where renewables produce a bit less power.

  • HORI announced a special gamepad for Steam / Steam Deck [classic "Xbox layout"]
  • My point is more that the sides aren't symmetrical, but for twin-stick shooters it makes more sense if they are (which they are for DualSense).

  • HORI announced a special gamepad for Steam / Steam Deck [classic "Xbox layout"]
  • For platformers you're right, but for twin-stick shooters you're using the shoulder buttons/triggers far more than the front buttons, and you are constantly using both sticks. And those happen to be fairly popular on PlayStation consoles.

  • This pisses me off so much
  • Turing the wheel of the car like crazy when they on a straight road.

    Just drive like Nicholas Cage drives.

  • Julian Assange reunites with family as he arrives in Canberra
  • That's true, but Wikileaks does share at least some of the blame for making the encrypted documents accessible. They're not immune to leaks themselves and should handle these incredibly sensitive documents accordingly. In this case, they failed to do so and an external party triggered a leak. Wikileaks should probably have deleted the documents alltogether.