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This is literally me I do this
  • its not being owned by the country its being owned by a corrupt bourgeois family. honestly how naive must you be to trust these people while they pander to anti-americans. Ortega is probably the richest person in nicaragua its hard to say with howmany assets he has hidden but he is probably richer than Pellas

  • This is literally me I do this
  • I can assure you that the vast majority of people in the world, and probably the united states, are not as clued up about white supremacist phraseology as you and when they hear the term western culture don't immediately start to think of roman salutes and blood quantum

  • This is literally me I do this
  • not knowing spanish definitely plays a large part but I think more importantly they don't have to be bothered to live in and experience these places so they're perfectly fine remaining some idealized mental construct. its easy for them to imagine third world countries being full of rabid america haters and the politicians there being diametrically opposed to all cooperation with america rather than imagine that they're the same kind of self-interested assholes you find across the world. if ortega nationalizes some gas station chain its because he hates the west not because he wants to make himself and his family richer. any action can be construed as "socialistic" if you view it through this anti-america lens

  • This is literally me I do this
  • the ancient greeks were white supremacists when they invented the term west to differentiate themselves from persians? "the west" is no more a white supremacist concept than arab is a muslim supremacist concept (which sadly many fellow christian palestinians believe alongside copts in egypt or maronites in lebanon) or that chinese is a han supremacist concept. its just a descriptor for a group of people with some similarities

  • This is literally me I do this
  • why are you people obsessed with race? as a palestinian honduran I can tell you for a fact honduras has nothing in common with the middle east lol. it probably also has nothing in common with africa, east asia, or central asia but that’s speculation from me. it’s very clearly a western country

  • This is literally me I do this
  • I'm palestinian honduran so I wouldn't even bother trying to argue with the few people I'd run into that seriously consider race what makes someone western. I still don't see why it matters so much to american leftists tho. is bashing on the west too awkward for them if you include poorer countries in the americas and balkans? I don't get the point in bashing anyway I'm not gonna feel guilty for being born in the west

  • This is literally me I do this
  • the phillipines speaks over 100 malayo-polynessian languages and zambia speaks a similar number of bantu languages. neither of them speak english as a primary language nor do they have the same connection to the west that latin america does

  • This is literally me I do this
  • you guys are the ones coming up with essentialist definitions of the west based on racial categories. you can ask anyone in the latin america world, which is hundreds of millions of people, and they'll tell you they're western due to historic and cultural and religious ties. and your argument against that is because you can imagine some reactionary in america or europe who would disagree? why even bring up the germany ww1 portrayal thing are you trying to argue that germany wasn't western until after ww1?

  • This is literally me I do this
  • all i’ve understood is you hate america and see guyana as an america puppet so you support venezuela doing whatever and them happening to have a claim to the region going back to the spanish empire is just a convenient excuse

  • This is literally me I do this
  • are people on this site just really racist? croatia is a majority catholic slavic country in the eu what about it is functionally different from slovenia or czechia or dare I say austria. they’re culturally not much different and economically pretty similar

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