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My blackberry investment just gave me a massive payout!
  • jellies n jams n spreads

  • I'm thinking about going back to school
  • Yeah the school's grants were embezzled by some dude and then they didn't meet the minimum amount of students so they were shut down. It was a pretty awesome school besides that, I enjoyed learning there.

  • I'm thinking about going back to school

    Hey comrades, I'm thinking about getting a degree. About 7-8 months ago I made a post asking about the process of obtaining citizenship in China and I was met with the expected response that I should continue my education if I wished to stay there long-term. Initially I dismissed the advice and just put away the idea of living in China long-term, but in the past few months I think I've come around to continuing my education.

    This is a big deal for me, I dropped out of highschool when I was 18 and just two years from graduation because the school I was going to would shut down and I couldn't stomach starting over again at a new school in the middle of the George Floyd Riots and the COVID-19 Pandemic. I eventually tried to finish my highschool diploma but when the school went under a bunch of my credits just vanished into thin air and I was looking at another 3ยฝ years of highschool so I gave up again.

    Now I'm 23 and with the support of my comrades on the commune I am finally feeling confident about picking up my schooling again, I'm planning on biting the bullet on the GED (which I should have done in the first place instead of going for the highschool diploma) and applying for college.

    I'm looking at mycology, I've had an interest in it since I was 18 and I love microscopic organisms. Fungi are extremely interesting to me and I'd love to learn more about them in ways that are not from the pervasive pop-science or spiritual/psychedelic angles that dominate in the West.

    I just wanted to share this with others, I'm excited and I've already started crawling through my old textbooks!

  • Aww man I'm so jealous. I tried to set one up for my friends and myself but I got stuck with all the weird server software and gave up ๐Ÿ˜ž

  • U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles
  • Join us in reality when you're ready.

  • Informal poll: Whatโ€™s your favorite bird
  • POV: You are about to be tackled and devoured by a nuthatch.

  • Informal poll: Whatโ€™s your favorite bird
  • Shoebill storks are awesome. I like how big they are and the awesome sounds they make. I enjoy their mysterious and sometimes ominous appearance and behaviors. Sometimes they seem really friendly and silly too!

  • NSFW Removed Deleted
  • they're joking

  • NSFW Removed Deleted
  • This is currently the most efficient method for slaughtering livestock for consumers. It's efficacy can be measured by the amount of stress hormones released into the meat. The animal doesn't have time to process the pain of the pneumatic bolt before it is stunned and exsanguinated.

    Here is a sciencey article on the subject:

  • spite
  • I would say you're for the most part correct but we should all be very well aware of the dangers of our anthropomorphizing of animals. These negative reactions in the public tend to lead to horrible things being done to organisms like sharks and bugs that are important to their ecosystems and the world as a whole.

    Projecting human standards of life and morality onto other organisms is inappropriate and a net-harm for both humanity and animals. People doing this behavior would do well to be reminded of how most of their favorite animals like cats, dogs, ducks, goats, etc. reproduce in ways that would be considered absolutely horrifying to our human cultures.

  • Does anyone else notice an uptick of extreme troll accounts?
  • If your instance admins haven't defederated with the nazi instances yet you gotta talk to them my friend. You could also move to a different instance that has defederated from the nazi instances, I think most have.

  • Free Markets
  • get their ass

  • Yes
  • Give it a rewatch! It's basically about how racists fetishize their victims and want to take over their lives to basically do what they're doing "better."

  • Yes
  • these days even the racists don't want to be from Europe

    This is what the film Get Out was about lol

  • American intelligence withheld information on Moscow terror attacks out of fear of exposing intelligence sources or methods
  • They already sacrificed lives when they decided that even just a few of their spies were worth 140 people murdered and many more to spend their lifetime with medical issues and permanent mental scars.

  • Why has Stalin been so propagandized?
  • touches comment scores, looks wistfully into the distance

    "Trots passed through here..."

  • until we meet again!
  • How hard is it to have a brain-eating amoeba?

  • seems to have banned the largest piracy community on Lemmy.
  • Another L, don't know why anyone bothers with that shitshow.

  • I've played about 6 hours of Project Zomboid
  • The developers promised to deliver a big content update this year that will add things to do in the late game, you should check it out so you can share in our disappointment if they continue to delay it! It sounds really good.

  • Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative
  • I suppose if you use a site every day and don't see what's going on behind the scenes, you don't seek these things out.

    This ignorance is just more reason to continue working on the fediverse to help break these walls down, you are on the right path. o7

  • This place is the best.

    I just wanted to express my appreciation to everyone here for making Lemmygrad what it is. I love reading your analyses and seeing the memes you share. You always make me feel better and give me the motivation to keep fighting when something horrible is going on in our world. No other online Marxist community has been such a positive influence on my life like this one has, love you all very much. <3

    Toki Pona for Socialists is created!

    cross-posted from:

    > Toki, comrades! > > I created this community because I wanted to create a Toki Pona community for socialists and communists of the materialist variety, the mainstream Toki Pona community is hosted on a discord called "ma pona pi toki pona" which while an incredibly useful resource with it's own share of leftists is also home to liberalism, vulgar idealism and hosted on Discord which I do not like as much as Matrix! > > I intend to create a space on matrix for this community hosted on the genzedong matrix server, too. If anyone wants to help me sort this out and be a mod on the matrix space, hit up my inbox or reach out to me on Matrix: > > I'm looking for mods to help me organize this community with a reworked sidebar with a Toki Pona translation and to help me come up with weekly threads too, feel free to reach out to me with the methods listed above if interested and I look forward to having fun with Toki Pona with you!

    Hexbears are cordially invited to this Toki Pona community I'm creating at !!

    News from Niger?

    Hey just wanted to see if anybody had any news about Niger, it's been quiet in my circles and I hope things are going well. If anyone has any news sites they could share that touch on Niger that would be appreciated.

    Edit: I accidentally typed in Nigeria instead of Niger. I changed the title and body to reflect that I'm trying to learn about the situation in Niger.

    What is it like getting citizenship in China?

    Hey comrades, I'm looking to hear experiences from people who've received visas or citizenship for China.

    I'm thinking about moving to China in the future but my resume isn't stellar. I've never graduated US highschool and my only work experience is as a farmhand, in a warehouse, and in a factory. I don't think I have any extremely marketable skills for something like a work visa. Interested to hear from y'all!

    Wipe Your Metadata!

    Hey comrades, I just want to make sure we're all aware of some basic opsec when it comes to leftist firearms. Whenever you take a picture on your phone or on a camera, Metadata is stored in the file. This metadata can include a lot of information like what phone you're using or the location it was taken. We all care about this for obvious reasons so it's very important that we're making sure to wipe the metadata and any identifiable landmarks or information on images we plan to post here.

    Take a moment to learn how to wipe and read metadata on images, you can find information online of how to do this. I personally just use an app on my phone to do it.

    Catfish Catfish [she/her]

    I live on a commune as a farmer.

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