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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • They are likely waiting for the cartographers to finish their jobs.... Unless they were asked to resign... Who knows how this government functions at this point.

    Waiting for the presidential cars to be replaced with cyber trucks.

  • I started to watch prodigy, the first episode, but wasn't motivated enough to go beyond a few minutes. I should give it another try, as it's the only new star trek for the family to watch.

    Strange new worlds might work, but due to how dark (lighting) and how real the effects look, this show is still not as family as the original shows.

    What I'm looking for is something I know my kids can watch without being a helicopter parent.

    It's hard to really describe, maybe I'm getting old.. 👴

  • Can we get some Star Trek I can watch with my kids around? I have to stick with classic trek (everything from Enterprise and earlier) as there isn't an option. Sure Prodigy does exist, but I don't know if I can get into that show myself.

    Rant over...

    They can make Section 31 content all they want, I don't care, just make it good enough to watch. Hell, just take the book series and make a mini series based on those stories.

  • I qualify a good sequel as a movie that can be enjoyed without having to watch the previous. Not that the previous isn't important, just not required.

    Terminator 2 clearly fits into this category. As do a lot of sequels. Here is my short list:

    • Terminator 2
    • The Dark Knight
    • Finding Dory
    • Toy Story 2
    • Spider Man 2 (Toby Maguire)

    Do Casino Royal or Rogue One count for anyone?

  • Facebook is the only way for me to keep up with what's happening in my town. Lots of the older generation of people are on it and always post what's the best repair people, events or other news worthy things. Basically local news feed.

  • Since it's not active, it looks to just be geo based as changing my VPN location makes it work.... This was my first time visiting the website and it was showing someone opening an egg he boiled for 2 hours... 💀

  • I didn't read the whole article, but I wonder what's a good way to transition from a large C# project to rust. I guess we'll need some common IPC and go from there till the whole project is replaced? Idk . Need to think about this more.

  • Bottles was having the same issue. I was attempting to install SimTower off the CD copy I have and they all were having issues running. I believe it's a permissions issue that I could figure out, but not sure. After spending hours i went down the distro route and it worked perfectly the first time. Was able to run the installation for the game and launch it from wine.

  • The Stumptown aeropress video will give you an idea of using it while camping.

    I pan roast and it makes pretty tasty coffee, but doesn't work well as an espresso bean. For that I stick with something professionally done. I don't think I would invest in roasting beyond what I've done. It's a good way to understand more about the process/journey that beans undergo.

  • Next time in South Cali check out Philz coffee. It's pour over and an interesting menu.

    Have you considered roasting beans?

    I also started my journey of coffee fun not too long ago. My journey started when I wanted a manual process to replace my drip machine. The gateway drug was the aeropress. I love how quick that think makes a great cup, but the v60 can't be beat.

  • I picked Toshiba drives personally. However, I know of a bunch of WD reds running for years with no issues.

    I think since the nas cases aren't insolated for sound, your going to hear them moving that head around..

    Have you considered an ssd populated nas? It does cost more however :(