CCMan1701A @ CCMan1701A Posts 12Comments 473Joined 1 yr. ago
One of my issues with the video is that Trump is "aligned" with everyone and keeps saying that Ukraine has to make concessions while he never says Russia will. In the last press meeting he even hinted that it will be difficult to have Putin give back occupied territories. I forget the exact words, but it was after the Elon part.
Maybe this will be a new point of evolution and our eye shapes will change in a new (not better) way were we see worse... Who knows.... I don't know what I'm talking about . ✌️
Yes, there are a lot of decaf roasting options, but only a few ways to process the beans. Did you watch the tasting event that just took place ? I think they did decaf this year.
Isn't that what happened to the schools during COVID or something with one of the programs. I forget....
Giving me something to do with my current kindle. I wasn't sure how to load to it my downloaded books, so I've been suffering on my phone, but hopefully this helps me out a bunch. Thanks. This is a rabbit hole I never knew existed.
It is above most publicly accepted ratios. This is the one that works best with the water and process I use. I used to do like 21 to 360 or something, but this works out nice.
This court case is why the US government needed to invest billions into AI. Cover the legal fees. /s
Made it as espresso. It definitely has a lot of crema. I'm still getting it dialed in. Tastes good, but I didn't think my palette is refined enough to say it taste different from other medium roasts. With that said, I didn't think I'll be getting another bag.
This is what brought the prequels back from the dead.
We just need more star trek memes to take over and we'll save star trek
Yeah, I'm going to espresso brew it tomorrow. I wasn't thinking of an Americano, just a straight shot. I have that ninja machine that's all the rage right now. It does the job. Will see.
I also noticed that the beans are shiny.
I want physical media that is not sold on optical disks. Sell me content on SD cards for example.
You can test this issue with laptop sending large files to your NAS over Wi-Fi. Local device communication is crazy slow on my network over the eeros. I discovered this when I moved a TV that was on a wired connection to wireless and everything feel apart from there.
I'm using eero as my wifi and for whatever reason, the eero wifi only give me max 10 Mbps, while a wired connection is over 100 Mbps. Also, my tplink WAP gives me 50Mbps.
However, if I do a speed test to an outside server, it'll report over 300 Mbps... Something is messed up with local stream for me with my eeros. I'll likely be removing them soon.
However, in the short term I re-encoded a bunch of my 4k rips down to 1080 and this resolved all my bandwidth issues.
A few episodes is nearly half the number of episodes available
See like a pass for now, we watched the first episode and there was some interest, but have not been asked for since. Will try again in a few months and see what happens. I personally am curious about the show, but will wait to watch together.
Yeah, channels rock.
I hope they survive this time. I love getting a nice copy of a book as a gift.
Still have my CD copy, but wonder if I can download the patches still... Maybe time to dust it off, just to find it has suffered rot... 😭