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James "Vic Fontaine" Darren has passed
  • Yep, did a full rewatch last year and nothing against the James but that felt so forced. Nog moving in and those two doing an odd couple / romantic friendship thing was pretty decent though, but that's about it. Wish they'd given him a better intro instead of forcing a character out of nowhere.

  • One Year Later, Larian Reflects On Baldur's Gate 3's Success, Future Plans, And Canceling DLC: "Ever Since, We've Felt Better"
  • I read somewhere they were working on dos3 and put it on hold when bg3 came up. If they go back and work on the dos series I'll be there for it!

  • In honor of Joe Biden and his prime time speech Monday instead of Thursday.
  • I guess it wasn't coerced but "voluntarily" is quite the stretch, call this shi reed richards

  • CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • I mean they know the results are bad now. a disclaimer just covers everything so that they can, as currently, not worry about which is true and which is false.

  • CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • Yep, better disclaimers are inevitable. When they call it a 'feature' it isn't getting fixed

  • Aren't you?
  • Fully agree and I wish the situation was better. I'll keep it on the level, genocide is a deal-breaker for me. I'm surprised it's not a deal breaker for other people too to be honest. And it's awful that our only choices are awful candidates. Really makes you wonder how we got here and I can't help but feel that this a vote blue no matter who bullshit along with Dems always backing incumbents Even when they're terrible has paved the way for our present situation. That's not going to get better unless we do something to change it. We found ourselves in afucked up hole and the first step to finding a way out is to stop digging.

    I hope you're right though I guess there's a lot of people that are going to vote for him even though he is enabling genocide, I hope he decides to turn it around and start representing voters.

  • Aren't you?
  • And you get to order someone shot in the foot (but let's be real, they're going to end up shot in the face regardless face) so congrats on giving the order too I guess

  • Aren't you?
  • The whole point is saying I'd rather not get shot at all and I'm not going to give any approval to get shot anywhere. Especially when the question is actually closer to where would I like to shoot some random civilian. I'm not going to give approval to shoot them in the foot nor the face.

  • Aren't you?
  • my genocider is better than your the other genocider, so much so that I'll give my active and explicit support to my genocider


  • Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Jill Biden's 'Women for Biden-Harris' tour
  • The president has been dogged by pro-Palestinian protesters at his public events for months, with his team now taking steps to shield him from the public shaming over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Biden has had to switch to smaller events, the locations of which are kept hushed until the last possible moment to evade protesters

    Love to see the direct addition but JFC Biden will do anything to avoid ending aid to genocide and anything to avoid representing voters' stances. "Oh while trying to secure the election I'll just have smaller unannounced rallies instead of pulling my head out of my ass"

  • US Blocks Security Council Statement Condemning IDF Killing of Gazans Seeking Aid
  • Explicitly what I'd already addressed because rather than admit Biden is onboard with genocide people gotta "what about something else..." Yeah other guy would be worse but Biden is still enabling genocide. Fact.

  • US Blocks Security Council Statement Condemning IDF Killing of Gazans Seeking Aid
  • A vote for Biden is a vote for genocide. I'm not saying that to abstain or vote for the other guy isn't the same, as bad, or worse; but 100% a vote for Biden is a vote for genocide.

  • Boiling tap water can remove 90 percent of microplastics
  • gotta make the water hard too, doesn't work without hard water

  • Satanic Temple prepares to enter Florida schools as state moves to pass bill allowing chaplains to volunteer
  • Florida is going to be so pissed at TST for getting all this PR and fund raising while adding to their impressive list of accomplishments listed below:

  • Why hasn't The Satanic Temple used the Don't Say Gay bill against Republicans?
  • A lot of the articles in the earlier link have links within to additional sources many of them are links to court documents but some are needs stories like this one. obviously Newsweek isn't great but I'm on Mobile atm and it's the first one I found, I'm sure you can find more and from better sources in their article or a search and a lil time

  • Why hasn't The Satanic Temple used the Don't Say Gay bill against Republicans?
  • Because TST is shit and can't follow through on their promises and use the courts to go after dissenters.

    Plenty of reading at but a pattern becomes visible pretty quickly.

  • FACT SHEET: President Biden Cancels Student Debt for more than 150,000 Student Loan Borrowers Ahead of Schedule | The White House
  • 0% interest would have been better but the banks that process/hold the government guaranteed loans would no longer profit so they aren't going to let that happen.

  • Embarrassing
  • I feel like that was the mantra in early September. It's too bad it didn't stick but I'm on board with reviving this one.

  • Harvey apartments boarded up amid safety concerns; some residents say they were still inside
  • City officials said they will continue to monitor the situation.

    Great, that's helpful. /s

  • Google's enshittification memos

    Interesting read on economics, commodification, and search results gradually getting worse

    cross-posted from:

    > When I think about how the old, good internet turned into the enshitternet, I imagine a series of small compromises, each seemingly reasonable at the time, each contributing to a cultural norm of making good things worse, and worse, and worse.

    Goodbye Riverdale

    In honor of the series finale of Riverdale we made up a cocktail to represent important parts of the show! Wish I'd taken a better photo but the cocktail was great!

    • 1oz/part rum (reppin V and Cheryl’s ‘Maple Run’)
    • 1oz/part campari (all the redheads (Andrews & Blossoms), and extended family (Coopers))
    • 1oz/part vanilla maple syrup (Sticky Maples and the maple groves)
    • Juice of 2 small limes, probably 1oz (no representation here, just for a balanced cocktail)
    • Thin lime twists for garnish (“South Side Serpents” Toni, Jug, Fangs)

    Mix ingredients, shake with ice, serve in and call drinking partner Nick and Nora (Jug & Tabitha!)

    But_Class_War But Class War [Illinois]

    no war but class war

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