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Russia desperate to recruit workers at defense plants amid personnel shortage
  • The education system collapsed with the death of the USSR so even before the War in Ukraine started they didn't have enough Engineers and Technicians to make their country work. Their population has been declining for decades and COVID killed another Million. Then ~700,000 people, mostly men, fled the country when the War started. Then another ~500,000, again mostly men, fled the country when the first conscription was announced. Those 1.2 Million people, mostly men, were likely the ones with the education or trade skills that Russia could really use right now.

    If that wasn't enough Russia has suffered over 600,000 casualties in Ukraine and is now seeking to replace losses with a 3rd round of conscription, so there goes another 130,000 people out of the labor pool.

    Russia is now eating its demographic and economic seed corn trying to support a war that has no possibility of a positive outcome. The death spiral is locked in and I'm predicting a collapse of the Russian state no later than 2035.

  • Confrontation between Russian fighter jet and U.S. military near Alaska caught on camera
  • That Russian pilot was entirely dependent on the American pilot not experiencing "Air Rage" or having an untimely "weapons malfunction". There's a 100% chance that an AIM-9, which that F-16c did have on board, would have wrecked that Rooskies day.

    Beyond that if the Russian had fucked it up and actually hit the F-16 all hell would have broken loose.

  • Ransomware forces Texas hospital to turn away ambulances
  • I dunno, with Healthcare the larger the organization the more serious they take it. A small practice may basically ignore it but by the time you get to be the size of UMC, the Hospital named in the article, they're typically spending many millions of dollars annually on CyberSecurity.

    The problem is that they're stuck playing defense. They have to get it right every time but the attackers only have to get lucky once. They could successfully repel 10,000 attempts Monday through Saturday but then on Sunday they only repel 9,999 'cuz Bored Bob the maintenance guy clicked a new zero-day in their email and now they're in the news.

  • Starlink dishes found on Russian military drones after being shot down
  • Which would mean that every single StarLink system in Ukraine would have to be registered with the Government, even the ones owned by private citizens. They'd have to be in person registrations as well because any automated system, such as a website, could be used by Russia to get their own gear registered.

  • Starlink dishes found on Russian military drones after being shot down
  • It’s really not all that difficult from a technical perspective.

    I'll go ahead and reply to you, and at the same time since you all three had the same idea.

    All that Ukraine or Starlink would need to do is keep track of the MACs in use, blacklisting those which have been lost or destroyed.

    A whitelist of authorized MAC addresses is easy from a "technical" prospective. It would simply be a looong list of 48 bit addresses but you are ignoring the massive challenge of managing that list.

    Making this work would require the Ukrainian Government to setup an official StarLink registration process for every StarLink system in the country, including the ones that are privately owned. Then once a SL system was registered with the Government SL would have to setup a whole separate system to process those registrations.

    Now you also need the opposite. Every time that a registered system shouldn't be used because it was destroyed or someone stopped paying their bill the Ukrainian Government would have to process that and send it StarLink to have it de-authorized.

    So no it's not at all difficult from a "technical" perspective but doing this would require stomping privacy rights into a mudhole and without perfect execution across a warzone the size of a nation it will do little to nothing to solve the problem.

    If this was a practical solution Ukraine would have already requested that StarLink make it happen. The fact that the really smart people in Ukraine haven't asked for this means that they've already dismissed the idea as unpalatable, unworkable or both.

  • Starlink dishes found on Russian military drones after being shot down
  • It's very difficult for Starlink to stop this from happening while still allowing the capability for Ukraine to do it. If Russia obtains SL systems through intermediaries and then uses them over Ukrainian territory there's realistically no way for SL to know whether it's Russia or Ukraine using the service.

  • White House believes Iran is preparing imminent ballistic missile attack against Israel
  • I have to chuckle, I didn't think anyone would take my comment about "count the hairs on someone's head" so literally! You are correct though, there are no satellites with that kind of resolution. We have...other toys...for that. :)

  • White House believes Iran is preparing imminent ballistic missile attack against Israel
  • The US intelligence apparatus had better information which is really no surprise. The US has satellites that can count the hairs on someone's head let alone see missiles being moved around, fueled, and / or prepared for launch. Israel doesn't have those, or at least not nearly as many of them as the United States does.

  • Putin orders conscription of 133,000 new soldiers to fight on the front line
  • Right now Brent Crude is just 71.28. Oil prices are going down.

    Additionally Russia does not have the technical ability to fix all of the refineries that Ukraine has been blowing up nor do they have the ability to fix all of the upstream production problems being created.

    Productions of raw products is dropping fastand those declines are going to both continue and accelerate.

    O&G is not going to be propping up Russia's economy for much longer.

  • Germany arrests woman who allegedly passed airport details to suspected spy for China
  • I think you're suffering from recency bias. Yes right now it seems they're all related to the AfD but you don't have to go back very far to find other examples such as Gerhard Schröder.

    There's always people who will sell out their country for money.

  • Germany arrests woman who allegedly passed airport details to suspected spy for China
  • Vaterlandsverräter

    In this case wouldn't she be a Vaterlandsverräterin?

    Edit: Oh I get it, you're referring to Maximillian Krah.

  • My friend's parents had the Joy Of Lesbian Sex too.
  • I was a Freshman in High School when I found my parents sex library and I read every damn one of those things, including "The Joy of Sex", at least twice. While others were still fumbling around trying to figure out basic mechanics I was busy getting busy...very busy.

    Edit: I tracked down the "Joy of Lesbian Sex" early in my Junior year of High School. That knowledge was amazingly useful until I graduated College and got married.

  • You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first
  • That matter isn't settled yet but my guess is that Amazon will ultimately settle out of court for a lot of money. With that said a Tornado is a different kettle of fish than a flood. The warning time for a tornado is usually measured in bare minutes, sometimes when you're lucky you get 20 minutes and even then where exactly are you going to go?

    Floods like this one though had HOURS of warning and there's positively no reason for employees to get caught like this. There was more than enough time for these folks to get a known safe place. It's despicable.

  • LAPD raid goes from bad to farce after gun allegedly sucked onto MRI machine
  • This is the dumbest damned thing I've read about all month. What the absolute fuck???

  • Russia has lost at least 3,003 main battle tanks since the beginning of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
  • They could expand their industry,

    They've been doing that for over a year and I'm confident that they've hit their limit. Their current unemployment rate is estimated at 3.8%, salaries are skyrocketing as industries compete with each other for available workers, and inflation is out of control. Those are all strong indicators that their labor pool has turned into a puddle.

    The only way they could expand any further is to start using migrant labor and who the hell, aside from North Koreans and maybe some Chinese, are going to migrate into Russia right now? Especially in sufficient numbers to make any kind of a difference.

  • Well thats crazy explicit astroturfing
  • Are we supposed to act like this is new? The Hillary Clinton campaign was doing this via CTR (Correct The Record) back in 2016 and it was particularly noticeable after the DNC forced Bernie Sanders to exit the race. It continued after the election when CTR transitioned to "ActBlue".

    Then there's the 2016 Reddit MAGA craziness but I don't think there's any need to re-hash that. It's CTR that most people don't know / forget about.

  • Everett True promotes gun safety (September 23, 1918)
  • So it’s demonstrable that the wider gun-owning community is pro gun education and safety, and you’d think adding laws that support these beliefs would be no-brainers – but they aren’t.

    Gun Owners generally do support firearms education, both for kids and adults. The stuff for kids is increasingly being removed and blocked by the Democrats as shown in the links I provided.

    The problem with requiring education / training for adults is that the anti-firearms folks broke trust on the issue. In places that have, or had, such requirements the barrier to entry was being continually raised while more firearm types and accessories are being restricted.

    It's reached the point that some states who have the requirements are now being sued for failure to issue permits in accordance with their own law.

    If you're a Pro-2A person you'd have to be outright stupid to hop back in the pot for another round of "Boil the Frog".

    ...whereas mandatory training/education, testing, and licensing I think would improve things, and might be a reasonable middle-ground acceptable by both sides. Like they say in Lower Decks: “if both sides are equally unsatisfied with the negotiation… THAT’S A COMROMISE!”

    There's no trust between the groups which makes compromise nearly unobtainable. The Anti folks will not offer any compromises and the Pro folks wouldn't trust them, and rightly so, even if they did.

    Its an intractable problem.

  • Everett True promotes gun safety (September 23, 1918)
  • Firearms education is only necessary when there are guns all over the place.

    True but that condition is absolutely positively 100% not going away at any time in the next 50 years. The 2A could be repleaded and private firearm ownership made federally illegal tomorrow and there would still be firearms in closets, dresser drawers, and attics in 2074.

    it doesn’t really make sense for them to want NRA propaganda in schools.

    That's completely fair but nothing is being created to replace it. If they don't want the NRA involved that's cool and I completely get it...but that doesn't clear them to do nothing while blocking what already exists.

    It's frustrating as all get out.

  • Everett True promotes gun safety (September 23, 1918)
  • but if you have to go hunting you should at least know how to shoot straight.

    I'm almost certain that every single State requires passing a Hunter Safety program before you can get any kind of Hunting License. The laws have changed a lot since 1917.

  • Democracy, Refreshed: The House was supposed to grow with population. It didn’t. Let’s fix that.

    As originally conceived, the House was supposed to grow with every decennial census. George Washington spoke just once at the Constitutional Convention — and on its final day — to endorse an amendment lowering the ratio of constituents to members to 30,000.

    Today, House members represent roughly 762,000 people each. That number is on track to reach 1 million by mid-century.

    New York Proposes Crackdown On Major Gun Company (It's Glock)

    New York may become the first state to bar gun companies from selling pistols that can easily be converted into machine guns.

    Is Proton a good choice for what I want to do?

    I read the sidebar and didn't see anything about asking questions so apologies in advance if this post breaks a rule.

    I'm in the U.S. and wanting to knowif Proton Family is a good choice for my use case.

    Two decades ago I got tired of changing email addresses whenever my ISP changed so I registered my surname as a .net vanity domain and started running my own email server at home. When Google started offering Google for Organizations for free if you had less than 10 users I folded up my personal email server and shifted everything over. We use it for e-mail and basic family calendaring.

    Last month when going through bills my wife and I were once again frustrated by coordination required to sign into various accounts. "Hey what's the password for $CreditCard?" or "What's the MFA you just got for $BankAccount?" or "What's the password for Disney"?"

    That got me started looking for a family password manager so we could easily share and keep this stuff up to date.

    At the same time we realized that were paying for YouTube TV, YouTube Premium, two YouTube Music, and an Amazon Music subscription. Whoops.

    Well, no problem. We'll just "family share" the YTTV and YTP subscriptions so everyone has everything and we save some money.

    Nope. G-Suite doesn't allow family sharing. So we're all going to have to create seperate addresses to make this work. Oh, and I'll have to shift the YTTV subscription from my vanity domain to a regular @gmail as well. Which breaks the entire idea behind the vanity domain in the first place.

    While I researching a Family Password Manager of course I found Proton Pass. While I was looking at the pricing for it I realized that they also have a "Family" setup for email which looks interesting.

    So now I'm considering porting my vanity domain and all it's email out of G-Suite and over to Proton Family. At nearly $300 a year it's not exactly inexpensive, since I'd basically be paying it until I die, and it will be a fair bit of work to switch everything over so I don't want to do it unless it's going to work.

    So would Proton Family be a good choice? Are there any significant technical challenges to migrating a custom domain and email out of G-Suite and into Proton?

    Edit: This post was rambly and unclear. The TL;DR is that I’m increasingly annoyed with G-Suite and since I’m looking at Proton Pass anyway I'm wondering about Proton Suite (which includes Email, Calendar, and Pass).

    Automation Question - What am I missing?

    Always surprises me when I go to do something in HA and realize that I can't figure out how.

    This time its lights, specifically making sure that they don't get left on.

    Until now I've simply been creating an automation for each light switch so that if it changes state from Off to On and when it's 30 minutes after sunrise it's starts a 15 minute wait and then changes the state of the switch to off.

    This approach mostly works but it's less than ideal.

    First I'm having to create an automation for each device. How do I do it by Area, or list / group of devices, instead?

    Second if a device is turned on too early there's no state change for the automation to catch and it never fires. I could fix this by creating another automation that checks for it but then I'll have even more of them to manage.

    Third this doesn't work very well if you want different things to happen on the weekends as opposed to during the weekday. For instance on a Saturday I may WANT that closet light to stay on longer because I'm putting away clothes.

    It'd be really nice if I could program HA like this 'On a weekday if you see any device on this list turn on 30 minutes after Sunrise I want you to turn whichever one(s) it was off again 15 minutes later.'.

    I'm must be missing something here because surely HA can do this, right?

    Have a ratGDO v2.5i and no case for it?

    Shortly after the ratGDO v2.5 was released I ordered one and a couple of days later I ordered a case from Etsy to go with it.

    Two days later the Etsy seller messages me asking if have the v2.5 or v2.5i because the cases are different. WTF? There's already a new version?! I tell the seller to make it the v2.5i because that's probably what I'll get.

    So last week I received a very nice red case from the Etsy Seller HighTower3D out of the North Carolina. Seriously, this thing is nice. The build quality is high, it has magnets in the bottom for mounting, comes with allen screws (and the allen wrench you need) and a couple of little zip ties.

    So this week my ratGDO shows up's v2.52i! A quick check of the website shows that there's now a v2.53 and that makes four revisions in the last month!

    You can't make this stuff up so all I can do is laugh...and give away the v2.5i case that I spent $26 on and doesn't fit the ratGDO version I ended up with.

    I have no use for this case so I'm giving it away to someone who can; make sure you have a v2.5i though because this call will NOT fit any other version.

    If you are in the United States and can use this case then leave a reply below. 😊

    Correct way to control Sidewalk Heating Mats

    I ordered some sidewalk heating mats from HeatTrak and I want to automate them with HA so that they come on when it makes sense to do so based on the data from my Tempest Weather Station.

    According to HeatTrack my mats will have a combined resistive load of 5A which is well within the spec of the Zooz ZEN05 or ZEN14, both rated for 15A resistive loads, but when I asked them about it they did not recommend using either of them with heated mats. They couldn't, or wouldn't, explain why and it doesn't make sense to me why this wouldn't work.

    My next thought was to simply swap the outlet to something smart but this is an outdoor outlet so it needs to be GFCI and there's essentially no Z-Wave GFCI outlets made.

    Do I really need to use something like an Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus 40-Amp contactor for this or am I missing something here?

    How do I add a cool down to an automation?

    I have an automation that turns my driveway lights on when motion is detected. It normally works fairly well but it was windy last night and that caused the automation to trip endlessly as my trees and bushes were whipping around. Lights would come on, shut off 10 minutes later, then turn right back on again. It basically did this all night until I disabled the automation.

    I'll do some fine tuning of the motion sensors which will help and I'm considering adding a condition to the automation where it won't trip if the wind speed is above a certain level but how can I add some kind of cool down timer to the automation to prevent it from endlessly engaging?

    I need some help choosing how to setup lights and camera for my driveway.

    First the layout. My garage is setup similar to this one, although mine is attached, has three light fixtures, and my driveway is 4 cars wide.

    The wife wants me to replace the three basic on / off fixtures that we have (they're getting rusty) and keep them all matching. If I'm going to do this I want to add a camera to the setup.

    Functionally I'd like the lights to have or work like they have dual bright capability where they come on full bright at sunset then after a couple of hours they dim down unless they detect motion. If they detect motion then they come back to full bright for a period of time then dim back down again. They do this for a set period of hours, say 4, then they turn off completely unless they detect motion.

    My current lights are already automated for on / off (but not dimming or motion) through the use of HA and a z-wave switch.

    Where I'm getting stuck is that I can see at least three ways to do this but none of them are perfect.

    1. Replace my dumb carriage fixtures with new dumb fixtures then change the switch to a dimming version plus add a motion sensor and camera out front. Then setup HA for the functionality I want. The upside of doing it this way is that it's very easy to get matching fixtures. The downside is that the motion sensor and camera will not be well integrated visually.

    2. Replace my dumb fixtures with ones that have dual bright built in. It's easy to do, and I could even keep the HA Automation I have setup now, but again the camera setup is not going to integrate well visually. I'm also concerned that three motion sensors controlling three lights will cause trouble for the camera (or each other) because they will react to different things and turn themselves on and off independently.

    3. Replace my dumb fixtures with smarter ones. In the center position I'd use one that has an integrated motion sensor and camera. This Reolink seems like it would work pretty well. However RL doesn't make any fixtures that match it, which means my center fixture would look different than the other two.

    I may just have to deal with mismatched fixtures but does anyone have any suggestions? Am I missing an option?

    U.S. population keeps growing, but House of Representatives is same size as in Taft era U.S. population keeps growing, but House of Representatives is same size as in Taft era

    The U.S. House of Representatives has one member for every 747,000 or so Americans – by far the highest population-to-representatives ratio of any developed democracy.

    U.S. population keeps growing, but House of Representatives is same size as in Taft era

    The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 747,000 or so Americans. That’s by far the highest population-to-representative ratio among a peer group of industrialized democracies, and the highest it’s been in U.S. history.

    To Fix Congress, Make It Bigger. Much Bigger. | Washington Monthly To Fix Congress, Make It Bigger. Much Bigger. | Washington Monthly

    Radically expanding the House of Representatives would help solve some of the biggest problems facing Congress and, by extension, the country.

    To Fix Congress, Make It Bigger. Much Bigger. | Washington Monthly

    Radically expanding the House of Representatives would help solve some of the biggest problems facing Congress and, by extension, the country.

    Why shouldn't I use Reolink Cameras?

    The next step in my HA journey is adding cameras; indoor, outdoor, and doorbell so I've been exploring my options. I had originally intended to do a Frigate setup, I even have a Coral module and PC to do it with, but then I discovered Reolink.

    Without having any experience with them they look nearly ideal. They seem to have tight integration with HA 2023.3 or later and their pricing and functionality look good.

    They seem like a no brainer but I've noticed that they're often NOT the first recommendation in the HA Community. Why is that and why shouldn't I use them?

    Where in the file system does the UDMP-SE store it's ipsec tunnel configuration?

    UDMP is running UniFi OS 3.1.16 and I need a specific VPN configuration that StrongSwan supports but isn't possible to do in the GUI. Three years ago the files I need were located in /run/strongswan/ipsec.d/tunnels/ but they are no longer there. Does anyone know where they live now -or- how to edit a VPN config outside of the GUI?

    Buelldozer Buelldozer
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