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Congress ain't going to like this one gang!
  • Thank you! Watching the clip and reading the description highlights how the edit comes off much better with the removal of the awkward parts.

  • Congress ain't going to like this one gang!
  • Does anyone know what movie this is remixed from?

  • Inside you there're two owls
  • This photo is begging to be an album cover.

  • hexbear Bruja [she/her, love/loves]
    c/fashion only mod banned

    Admins are probably already working on it, heads up just in case.

    New Developments In Womenology
  • ibarruri-fist Symmetry is boring anyways. Asymmetry is far more interesting.

  • thingamajig 2: Unification Church 0
  • Crowsa Luxemburg is an excellent display name. bird-screm1 rosa

  • They hate us for our controversial takes on foreign policy
  • The one who wandered in and called China “East Taiwan” was one of the funniest.

  • NSFW
    Pictured: An owl being leered at by a dick cissel
  • The presence of a Dickcissel implies the existence of a Clittranssel.

  • Texas counties are passing ordinances banning travel on highways for out of state abortions. Expect to see this used for families taking trans youth to get care out of state as well next year.
  • This is going to be more security theatre if it is anything.

    Exactly. There’s a lot of opportunities for private profits from security theatre.

    A more likely option could be implementing those plate scanners for toll roads. Scan people going through pre-check lane, follow up on unauthorised vehicles. Everyone else queues up to answer questions, be pulled aside for further inspection such as at a border gate.

  • Texas counties are passing ordinances banning travel on highways for out of state abortions. Expect to see this used for families taking trans youth to get care out of state as well next year.
  • Unlikely for it to go this far, not yet, but due to needing something huge for cover. Not due to impact on rich people. The TSA got implemented despite resistance and rich people get the fast lane or fly private. Could easily get an exemption for this barrier and also fly private over. Do rich people really drive across state borders all that often anyways? TSA was under cover of a culturally impactful terrorist attack. Now begrudgingly accepted. There is likely a missing ingredient before putting something like this in action in Texas. Abortion and trans fearmongering aren’t enough.

    Open to hearing reasons why rich people would be severely impacted. They get away with most everything unless getting in the way of other rich people’s money. And something like this would put a lot of money into private hands.

  • Did you know: the Orb is safe for eyes.
  • My 'safe for eyes' orb has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my orb.

  • Favorite site tag line?
  • “Home of Overused Tagline Gags”

  • Texas counties are passing ordinances banning travel on highways for out of state abortions. Expect to see this used for families taking trans youth to get care out of state as well next year.
  • They’re going to build a physical border around Texas with checkpoints at interstate highways. Razor wire and saw blades in between to catch people, as tested across the Rio Grande. A private company either directly owned by a state politician or relation of once will be contracted to test the urine of everyone passing through for hormones that indicate pregnancy or out of bounds for cis people. Booths will be set up in the style of TSA full-body naked radar cylinders with semi-privacy to piss in public while bodies are scanned for abnormalities such as unexpected secondary sex characteristics and piss bags taped to the inner thigh. New detention centers will be built to temporarily imprison those who fail this first screening while further invasions of privacy are conducted. A fast-lane option where blood screenings are conducted every 6 weeks at diagnostic laboratories (paid for out of pocket) will be available. A black market industry of false certification cards will thrive. Other states with gqp leverage will attempt to follow suit.

    That’s the price of Freedom©™ under the lone star. Enriching ghouls and expanding the fascist police state to catch poor undesirables.

  • Harvard is an incubator of evil
  • He left a funny custom blown glass pipe at my place in the early aughts and I've been trying to get it back to him. But also been using it in the meantime so not in any rush. Who are we talking about again?

  • Income inequality in Russia over the period of the USSR
  • Wow, looks like something bad happened in 1991 that caused inequality to get even worse than under Tsarist Russia.

  • WARNING: Lemmy Self-Hosters, There Have Been CSAM Attacks taking place against !
  • rules allow for illustrated CSAM ("loli") and are currently on grad's linked list, not blocklist

    (archive link for more info)

  • Dirt_Owl mid selfie session to replace pfp after mass impersonation
  • No accusations towards you or Biggs. Clearly having a moustache makes you a mammal and not an avian.

  • Yeah, give us the triangle tits back!
  • If only, melon-musk will enable top shelf access for fourteen dollars and eighty-eight cents to make it even clearer what X is all about.

  • One day, comrades, one day
  • Now Niger is getting Mayotte, Clipperton, Guiana, Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Caledonia, Réunion, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon and Wallis and Futuna. Keep pushing and they're getting more islands.