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A.R. Kane - A Love from Outer Space

>They'd grown up going to "really, really weird clubs", from new romantic hangouts to early electronica parties. Alex was part of a dub soundsystem, while Rudy came from the jazz funk scene, "a mix of gay and straight, black and white and Asian". The music they made as AR Kane – blending dub, feedback, psychedelic dream-pop, house and free jazz – can still be heard in artists such as Radiohead, Four Tet, Animal Collective and Burial. AR Kane: how to invent shoe gaze without really trying

Any fun toys you’ve been playing with lately?
  • Let us know how it goes?!

  • NSFW
    Any fun toys you’ve been playing with lately?
  • Sounds hot!!!

  • NSFW
    Any fun toys you’ve been playing with lately?
  • Oooh, hot. So simple but can be such a game changer hey?

  • Pictures Of You by The Cure
  • I adore this song, and Robert Smith, so much!!

  • Why the internet make it hard for people to self-promote
  • As an OF girl in a saturated market I feel this 😂 but thanks to capitalisation it’s hard for anyone to promote themselves, because websites and companies would rather sell time and space to advertisers rather than allow space for independent creators / artists / musicians / whoever to promote themselves. I think the internet has made it simultaneously easier and harder for unknown artists etc to show the world what they’ve got. The barrier to get yourself out there is much lower (just make some social media pages and upload your stuff) but the barrier to actually be seen by the right people is much higher (find the right hashtags, somehow go viral, stroke of luck?) and while you want to connect with the right people you’re also cautious of being too spammy. Not sure what the answer is as it depends on what you’re trying to promote, but I personally am much happier to be “advertised to” by independent creators, artists than I am by billion dollar companies or someone who wants me to drink their weight loss shakes

  • NSFW
    Would you like to pull this one piece to the side?
  • Thank you 😘

  • What percentage of your own dreams do you see as significant?
  • Mine are 50/50! Sometimes I’ll have the most dull dreams that are so realistic I’ll wake up and not be able to tell if it really happened or it was just a dream e.g. I decided to buy avocados instead of broccoli at the supermarket. And then I’m like hmmm wait so are there avocados or broccoli in my kitchen now? Turns out there’s neither. Then I’ll have really impactful, emotional or fantastical dreams that leave me feeling a certain way. I do find it interesting whether it’s the boring dreams or the intense ones, that that is what was important for my brain to process that day

  • NSFW
    Is this a cute outfit for a sunny day?
  • That would be venturing away from mild territory and into wild territory!! Yeehaw 🤠

  • NSFW
    Is white an innocent colour?
  • 😇😈

  • NSFW
    Is white an innocent colour?
  • Bold of you to assume I have any sins to hide 🙈

  • NSFW
    Where do I find people that are willing to date or hook up?
  • It seems like you’ve built up your virginity into this really big thing that’s causing you a lot of anxiety. For that reason alone, I would recommend seeing a sex worker to lose your virginity if you’re comfortable with that and it’s truly what you want. It’s not a huge deal and many older people are virgins, but it’s negatively impacting you so my advice would be to search for a sex worker and to be honest with them and let them know you’re nervous and inexperienced. You might need to message a few providers before you find one that suits. But the right one will be very accomodating, it’s literally their job to make you comfortable and feel good!

    Maybe once that hurdle has been cleared, you can focus on other things related to dating without having your virginity looming over you. Dating is hard for EVERYONE, and especially hard for autistic people ESPECIALLY if they’re dating neurotypicals. How confident are you with your communication skills? There may be some things you’re missing that you might not be aware of. Do you have a trusted friend who could give you some feedback? I once went on a date with an autistic guy and he didn’t ask me a single thing about myself which made me feel like he wasn’t interested or didn’t care. I later found out it wasn’t because he didn’t care, but he didn’t really know how to keep the conversation balanced. This may not be true for you, but it would be great if someone could help give you some insight.

    Like I said though, dating is hard, I have friends who are absolutely beautiful, talented, smart, funny, and they still struggle with online dating. I think apps have made people view their dates as a bit more disposable, if they don’t immediately click with someone then they don’t wanna put in the effort because they can just go straight back to the app and find someone else. So apps can be great, but I’d also recommend trying to meet people in real life. Depending on your hobbies, you could meet people that way.

    The other thing I’d say is to not put the pressure on your date or yourself by wanting every date to turn into a relationship or sex. Dating is about getting to know someone, discovering what you like and don’t like with people, and finding out if you click. So you may have to go on lots of dates but that doesn’t mean you’re failing. It’s all part of the process. It’s awesome that you’re putting in the effort and trying to find a solution. Good luck!!!

  • NSFW
    I really love natural light [OC]
  • Wow I’m honoured!!

  • NSFW
    I really love natural light [OC]
  • Aww thank you I’m glad you like it 🥰

  • Drag shows are protected by 1st Amendment, performers tell federal judge
  • Imagine getting your knickers in a knot over a creative performance no one is forcing you to attend and is harming no one. I’d love a drag queen reading me the Little Engine that Could or whatever (not a child, dont have a child, don’t know kids books these days)

  • Bibi_Blush Bibi Blush

    Let’s hang out here ✨ or 🌹

    Eurasian sweetheart who wants you to see her take her clothes off.

    Life is ridiculous. Let’s have some laughs, enjoy some orgasms, and celebrate the absurdity of it all 🙃

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