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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago

  • She is a smoldering soul with big eyes and a demeanor of perpetual rejection. Therefore the unattainable hotness to the type that go for that. I’m among them.

    It’s all about her face though, and the aura of hot bitchiness

  • As a casual consumer and owner of some of her lps, I think she makes very catchy music for the most part, some with real lasting influence. Lyrically, I’m not expecting her works to be studied in colleges in a hundred years or anything.

  • Mitigated power is the microwave’s secret weapon. Nice way not to utterly destroy things you’re reheating (breads, tortillas, some kinds of pasta)

    Soups and such you can literally ( ok ok figuratively ) nuke them