Windows only in this day and age…
Which in this case means: you need a constant supply voltage
Doesn’t help when you need 3.3V and the batteries are now down to 2.5V they are not putting a boost converter in there.
Just so you know: on Mac you typically need less RAM than on windows. But I agree you, 8gb is not enough.
Yes. Tax the rich!
Ich kapier das immer nicht, wenn ich meinen Mitarbeitern nicht vertraue, hab ich vielleicht die falschen Leute eingestellt.
I did, in fact, not downvote you.
Lots of people have moved away from raid entirely because of some of these issues. There are alternatives these days. For example mergerfs or the ZFS file system.
Again. It should not be about punishment but about re-socializing.
At least in theory.
No. It is not different. Nobody should be forced to do Labour. Prisons are not supposed to be money making machines. Prisons are supposed to reintegrate people into society. But I guess the US has not heard about that.
Gibt bestimmt einige die Gruselgeschichten von glasfaserausbau (monatelange Baustellen) gehört haben und deswegen sagen sie wollen es nicht. Aber ja, den meisten wird 100mbit mehr als reichen.
Wenn ich sehe wie die Telekom versucht hier Rentnern Glasfaser anzudrehen die nichtmal einen halbwegs modernen PC haben, ist die Telekom auch nicht unschuldig an der Skepsis.
In some ways, maybe. But I think a destruction of the US would also cause a lot of problems.
He can, in fact, make a lot of stuff worse. And I promise you, he will if he gets the chance.
Sure. But that was clear to almost everyone in the industry for at least 5 years now.
Jup, ganz genau.. dem Laden geht es nicht so schlecht wie sie es grade herumposaunen.
What do you mean „quirky“? If you want to stream from pirate sites, a vpn is a good idea.
The m3 pro 18 core GPU is comparable with an 4060 laptop gpu. To be honest, I don’t know how much cyberpunk needs.
This year until September they have already made 12.9Billion € profit.
Just as a reference.
Es wird mehr automatisiert. Alles was nicht automatisiert wird, wird in niedrig-Lohn Länder verlagert.
A tale as old as time.
Komisch dass solche Krisen immer dann durch die Presse getrieben werden wenn grade mal wieder eine Tarifverhandlung ansteht.