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Calif. sues Catholic hospital for ‘refusing abortion to mom whose life was at risk’
  • We should have a law that keeps religious organizations from receiving Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements. That would stop this shit real quick.

  • Trump Promises 'Very Large Faucet' Will Funnel Water from Oregon to Los Angeles
  • I don't know why this triggered my brain but I can't stop imagining this in my head and laughing my ass off.

  • Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first
  • This is the most promising research for diabetes I've read in a while.

  • LAPD raid goes from bad to farce after gun allegedly sucked onto MRI machine
  • Honestly this might be a case where his laziness saved his life. If he'd been strapped in properly depending on where that strap goes he could've taken a nasty ride. And that would have been priceless to watch.

  • I apologize ahead of time. I saw this, so you have to as well
  • I have no idea what's going on in here but I'm loving it. 😂

  • When you don't trust Facebook because of THEM, your car is your Facebook.
  • I read that as "Gout controls the weather" and had a nice chuckle.

  • Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it?
  • My personal one is "Dumb fuck in a truck."

  • Recommendations on casual GB/GBA games?
  • If you are able to get it I highly recommend Viva Pinata Pocket Paradise. It's very chill and easy to pick up and put down. I still play my copy from time to time.

  • little buddy
  • Bonus pic: the baby rat snake that about gave me heart attack from last weekend. I opened the shed to get the mower out and he was pissed. No idea why he thought that was a good place to hang out.

  • little buddy

    Saw this nice guy/gal in front of my shed this morning when I took the dog out. The dog was completely oblivious and I was able to get a nice pic without scaring it off.!

    How can you make sure the ashes you get after a loved one dies is actually theirs?
  • The place I sent my parrot to when he passed puts a numbered metal tag on each pet before they go in and the tag stays with the ashes. They also did a foot impression and sent the ashes back in a simple but lovely clay urn. It was a little weird seeing the ashes in a ziplock inside the urn but I totally get it since they were a small family business.

  • The Swapper; A neat little puzzle game from the mid 2010's, which was just yesterday and definitely not 10 years ago.
  • I remember getting this game in a bundle with Thomas was Alone. I loved both of them so much.

  • Party members pinup
  • I love all of this but, Gale really has that Dr. Frank N. Furter vibe going on.

  • Removed Deleted
    To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • So you are asking the ladies what they can do that a man can't? Fair enough. Other than the few answers you've already gotten about typical "girly" things like wearing makeup, dresses, and watching children l personally can't think of others that would apply to me directly. Truth is I feel bad that everyone can't dress or behave as is comfortable for them. There are guys who want to be able to wear makeup/dresses or be recognized for being real parents. And I would love to be able to be taken seriously when I speak or scratch my crotch in public. I too am interested in the answers here because being a woman doesn't get you too many "benefits" in society that aren't two-faced and dinegrating.

  • Removed Deleted
    To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • Fair enough. I'd like to be able to scratch my crotch or pick a wedgie in public.

  • Removed Deleted
    To the girls here: what action or social behaviour/etiquette you think you can get away doing/not doing that you couldn't if you were a man?
  • Have any introverted traits. It's okay for a man to be quiet or get hyper focused on a task. That can be either taken as he's creepy or the strong/silent type. But if a woman does this then she's labeled as a cold uncaring bitch. Sometimes I just want to get through a task without taking 20 minutes emotionally propping someone else up as expected.

  • Rule everything
  • I feel you. Some of the shit I've cleaned up in PowerPoint hell sets my teeth on edge.

  • Weight and See
  • Not to burst your bubble but belly rubs for most birds is a sexual thing. Best not to do it unless you want a horny bird.

  • Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • My mother in law who's a staunch Republican told my husband that she shouldn't have to learn anything new at her age. This is the type of people we're dealing with. They are willfully and spitefully ignorant.

  • Borderlands' theatrical run grinds to a halt with just $31 million worldwide, which is barely enough to cover the marketing costs
  • I had no idea that Roth directed this movie. Like who thought that getting a cheesy splatter film director was a great decision? Honestly they got what they deserved with this mess.

  • Editorial Board: The teen arrested in Georgia school shooting is not an adult, and shouldn't be treated like one
  • Well that is certainly a comfort and gives more credit towards not trying and sentencing teens like they're adults.

  • slow federation

    I was curious if anyone knows anything about the large delay for content coming in from There's a discussion over there in one of fediverse communities and apparently we're like a week behind in receiving data.

    It's a sad day Sheldon Menery, Magic Great, Passes

    It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we mourn the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Sheldon Menery.

    Sheldon Menery, Magic Great, Passes
    Tarantula mid molt

    Here's another old picture from my vault. This is one of our Greenbottle blue tarantulas (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens). We spent the day watching this little guy molt from start to finish and took pictures of the whole process. You can see in this picture that he is laid out on his back on his molting malt. At this stage he has split from the carapace lengthwise down the sides and is currently pulling his legs out of the molt. We had two at the time and wanted to breed them but they both turned out to males.


    Here's a pic of my favorite little guy and one the only good pictures I've ever taken. Unfortunately he turned out to be a male so I didn't have him too long but he was a great tarantula to keep.

    Aviandelight Aviandelight
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