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Why do US teachers have to ask parents to bring basic school supplies?
  • In italy we bought everything outselves including books. Teachers never paid for anything.

  • Putin is urging women to have as many as 8 children after so many Russians died in his war with Ukraine
  • It's not a problem. When us women have the resources to be able to educate ourselves in the realities of the bull shit that's been peddled to us, we stop being brood mares.

  • South Korea has jailed a man for using AI to create sexual images of children in a first for country's courts
  • Pedo isn't a sexual preference anymore than cannibal a dietary one...

  • South Korea has jailed a man for using AI to create sexual images of children in a first for country's courts
  • Jfc what's with these pedo apologists. If someone were a cannibal, would it be totally fine to just give them human flesh removed from surgeries or dead people? Maybe let him pay people to eat them and drink their blood? AI images are trained on actual CP and CP anyway should not be normalized. If someone has ideation of violence then the last thing you do is feed those ideations. Would you think a suicidal person should watch simulated suicide? Why would watching simulated acts of depraved violence because you enjoy them somehow prevent you from committing that act yourself? If you enjoy something that much then you are thinking about doing it yourself.

  • rule ∞
  • 16 minutes to live.

  • Reddit is dead. Long live the Fediverse.
  • Tankies aren't communists anyway. They're Russian trolls, CCP shills. Those are fascist dystopias. Just mention Ukraine being invaded and they go ballistic.

  • Reddit is dead. Long live the Fediverse.
  • Lol lemmy has a Tankie problem but they're being drowned out. They get mad because they can't just own the libs I guess!

  • What would you do if Capitalism didn't curb your potential and force you to sell most of your time?
  • I get three days off a week and just got off of a 3 week long vacation and I slept a bunch lol. Played videogames. If I could never work again I'd just relax and enjoy food and entertainment.

  • Liftoff. Lemmy app. Do you like the way it works now?
  • It's available now. I got them confused. I have boost not liftoff.

  • Liftoff. Lemmy app. Do you like the way it works now?
  • So far I replaced eternity with it. Eternity kept crashing and the swipe sensitivity was horrible. I'm liking liftoff. Crossing fingers.

  • Do you believe in God?
  • I believe in me. You are all being perceived by me. And anything I cannot perceive is not in the realm of existence.

  • Is turn into authoritarian?
  • And I'm a unicorn. You can call yourself anything you want but it doesn't make it true.

  • Is turn into authoritarian?
  • Nothing communist about a tankie

  • Is turn into authoritarian?
  • Tankies aren't communists. It's like saying Trump is a LGBT supporter.

  • Is turn into authoritarian?
  • These aren't leftists. They're trolls.

  • Is turn into authoritarian?
  • Because people aren't familiar with them and need to be made aware of what they really are. Too many people don't see the damage these trolls cause because they get blocked and only see the complaints and I'm realizing that defederation has worked in their favor. If anyone actually read the shit they post they would realize they are conservatives trying to make the left look like psychopaths. They appropriate LGBT and other social justice causes in order to attempt to infiltrate the left and rot it from within. Also, they use liberal as a slur.

  • As an owner of children, I approve this message
  • Maintaining the status quo is what keeps humanity from progressing. Slavery was acceptable and still is in many places, except for where the status quo was challenged. Having kids should no longer be the status quo and it won't be long until civil rights catch up to the abusive nature of being created without consent.

  • As an owner of children, I approve this message
  • Except it's a choice.

  • As an owner of children, I approve this message
  • I didn't chose to be born nor did I chose to be a child. I have the right to be irritated though by other people's mistakes. It is completely OK not to make humans. We are not just mindless beasts only good for reproduction. People have a right to find people's poor life choices distasteful, lie smoking cigarettes and doing drugs.

  • As an owner of children, I approve this message
  • Makes me think that a lot of these people are pissed off that those who can't afford or just don't give a shit about being sentenced to parenthood for life won't have anyone to exploit when their kids grow up. Also misery loves company. People get really angry when they realize their life didn't have to end that way and that they actually had a choice so to validate their mistakes they shame and try to push others who didn't into the same so they can say "there, you see? There really isn't any other choice"

  • Ataraxia Ataraxia
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