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Hol' up
  • Kinky

  • It's muh heritage
  • It's not racist if it's self deprecating.

  • Armed nazis in Springfield, Ohio
  • Ohio nazis?

    I hate Ohio nazis.

  • Minnesota Explainer
  • If I had to pick a different state to live in, MN would be in my top three.

    I'm a fan of good food, good beer, socialism, and cold weather. Minnesota seems to have all of those going for it.

  • Minnesota Explainer
  • If I had to pick a different state to live in, MN would be in my top three.

    I'm a fan of good food, good beer, socialism, and cold weather. Minnesota seems to have all of those going for it.

  • Watt Malsh
  • A miserable pile of shecrets.

  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says He Will Bus More Migrants To Chicago Ahead Of DNC
  • Doesn't he have better things to spend taxpayer money on, like maybe the power grid?

  • Pack it in everyone, we found a solution to fascism
  • This smacks of "Build up your heat tolerance to prepare for global warming" and other nonsense.

    The problems are all in our head, we'd be better if we just thinked better!

    Edit: typo

  • Where's the best unexpected place in Michigan you've ever eaten?
  • As a Cincinnati chili enjoyer, the handful of Coney Island type places I've been to in Detroit were pretty good.

    Haven't been up there in ages, I really should change that.

  • Evansville named the rudest midwest city in new study
  • I judge rudeness of the area by how people drive. Evansville folks mostly drive slow.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lock him up!

  • Millennial dads spend 3 times as much time with their kids than previous generations -
  • Ugh, that was all I ever heard from my boomer parents

  • Donald Trump found guilty in N.Y. hush money trial
  • Gonna go out on a limb and say he won't face any jail time.

  • Robert De Niro Blasts Trump as 'Clown' Threatening Democracy at Biden Campaign Event
  • I'd rather fight over Gaza with the Biden regime than with the Trump regime.

  • NSFW
    Do it at work
  • Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime That's why I cum to work on time

  • Biden administration plans $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • "Can we have universal healthcare?"


  • They don't care about you
  • Eat the rich, before the rich eat you.

  • Ascrod Ascrod

    Surviving near Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Posts 1
    Comments 49