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If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • No bans of chocolate chips on anything will ever be issued. You have my word.

  • If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • As someone who uses a Nintendo switch and an Xbox, the A and B buttons should be in the same place on all game controllers.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • In England we call it pop. Or fizzy drinks. E.g. “what fizzy drinks do you have?” “We have Coke, Fanta, Lemonade”

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • The simplest things to do on Android are an ordeal on Iphone.

    Can you give us any examples?

  • what is this material?
  • Yep, it’s PMMA cable.

  • Removed
    What's you favorite song lyric of all time?
  • There are so many good Neil Peart lyrics it’s hard to choose a favourite.

    This one is definitely in my top 5:


    In the high school halls

    In the shopping malls

    Conform or be cast out


    In the basement bars

    In the backs of cars

    Be cool or be cast out

    Any escape might help to smooth

    The unattractive truth

    But the suburbs have no charms to soothe

    The restless dreams of youth

  • What's your most favorite place you've ever been to?
  • Have you been to Disneyland Paris?

  • What specific variety of some fruit do you prefer? (A particular apple, a certain mango, etc.)
  • It could have been a Williams pear. They ripen from green to yellow. Some even have a pinky peach blush. They’re so soft and sweet and juicy when perfectly ripe.

    In the uk we commonly have Williams (yellow) or conference (green sometimes with a brown skin)

  • What is your country's "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear"?
  • “You can’t make a silk purse from sows ear” means you can’t make something nice from rubbish. “You can’t get blood from a stone” means attempting something difficult, if not impossible and futile”. E.g. “trying to get my kids to tell me about their school day is like trying to get blood from a stone.” It doesn’t matter how hard I try I get nothing.

  • Where has this been all my life?
  • Try the ScrubDaddy power paste that comes with the sponge. I had a stain on my kitchen work surface from a blue raspberry slush that the kids spilled. Nothing would remove it but the power paste and the soft side of the sponge brought it right off with no scrubbing at all. And no harsh chemicals or risk of accidentally getting bleach spots on clothing etc.

    Spray bleach is great for cleaning things like the inside of the washing machine rubber seal or the sealant around the bath etc. but make sure it’s completely rinsed off afterwards.

  • After eight years, i resigned as a moderator of my community
  • I miss Apollo and Reddit too.

  • So, Memmy is broke abandonware now, huh?
  • I’m currently using Memmy and having no issues at all

  • What skincare products do you use?
  • Definitely have a go of the CeraVe SA smoothing cream. A little goes a long way and it will work miracles for dry skin. You can use it all over your body too. I’ve got a big pot of the stuff and it lasts ages. They also have moisturisers with SPF which you can use together with the SA cream. The foaming oil cleanser or the hydrating cleanser would be great for you.

  • What skincare products do you use?
  • Another vote for CeraVe here. I have oily skin and still at the age of 40 get some acne and their blemish control cleanser and the SA moisturiser keep it under control. My skin has never been better.

    What’s your skin like OP? Is it dry or oily? Do you work outside? I can better recommend some products if I know what you need.

  • Tethered plastic caps
  • I’ve not been trying to pour the drink over the cap, no. It’s just fiddly and you have to make sure the cap doesn’t flap back over the bottle while you’re pouring. I can’t be the only person who finds them inconvenient in this respect? Surely there’s a better way of keeping the cap attached without it getting in the way?

  • Tethered plastic caps
  • When they first introduced these, my brother thought it was a defect and ripped it off. It leaves a pretty sharp bit of plastic behind and he cut his hand when he screwed the lid back on. I get the idea behind them (it’s so you have to recycle the cap along with the bottle) but there’s got to be a better way than this. It makes it a pain to pour a drink or drink directly from the bottle.

  • The last show or movie you watched is having a crossover with the last game you played. What abomination has been created?
  • Breath of the Wild meets Drive to Survive. Netflix are making a docuseries about Link’s journey to free Zelda.

  • What Are Some Things You Regret Buying or Bought but Never Used?
  • Yep! Had my 3200 compact for about 12 years now. It’s as good as the day it was bought and used nearly every day. Well worth the money.

  • What Are Some Things You Regret Buying or Bought but Never Used?
  • I think even if it gave amazing long lasting results every time, I would probably still think it’s not worth the price. To me anyway, it feels like a clumsy device that doesn’t feel natural to hold or use. Plus it takes forever to do a whole head. I feel like Dyson gaslight customers saying “oh you’re not using it right” or “your hair isn’t right” when in actual fact if you’re paying close to £500 for a supposedly “complete” product then you expect it to at least take some responsibility for how your hair looks at the end of styling it. I’m not expecting it to be like a magic wand and just transform my hair by just existing near my head but surely I shouldn’t need training to properly use it?

    But hey, everyone is different and so is everyone’s hair. And if you like it, great! If you buy it and you find you don’t like it then you can always return it.

  • Mark as read on view image

    Am I missing something or is there a setting for marking a post as red on viewing an image?

    Theme is no longer theming

    I’ve got my theme set to Embark but it’s not changing the colours. It was fine until a few mins ago. I opened the app and the theme has reverted to the default, but the selection is still on Embark.

    Got my GDPR data request.. after deleting my account

    A few weeks ago I submitted a request to Reddit for a copy of my data. In the meantime I got bored of waiting and deleted my account. I thought I would not receive my data, but yesterday I woke up to an email with a link to a file with all my data in!

    So to all those who are waiting to receive your data before deleting your account, as long as you have a verified email address associated with your account, you can go ahead and delete your account and you’ll still receive your data!

    ArbitraryMary ArbitraryMary
    Posts 3
    Comments 60