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Never start vaping, says 12-year-old girl with lung damage
  • Are you sure you're not still 12? I've never seen an adult with an above 6th grade reading level that uses the f slur, and all of your posts are so abusive and inflammatory; as if you never learned how to talk to human beings.

    Learn to write like a fucking adult you, gutter trash spewing CHUD factory.

    Your comment was so terribly punctuated and written that I fixed it for you. Study this dipshit, free lessons.

  • Never start vaping, says 12-year-old girl with lung damage
  • Dude, do me a favor and shut right the fuck up. I was 12 once. I was accountable for my actions at 12. 12 Is not some magical age I cannot fathom. I'm fully aware that she's old enough to be considered a fucking idiot.

  • Never start vaping, says 12-year-old girl with lung damage
  • This little retard... what's she gonna say next? Don't start doing coke at 4 and don't suck dicks with red, bleedy blisters? Yea, thanks dipshit. Good looking out. Back before modern medicine this little dipshit woulda just died and we would all just go on about our day. Now it's 2023 and this little retard has a voice and a message... too bad its retarded.

  • South American cuddle
  • Lol. I'm not certain reading any of those studies would benefit you actually. You seem to be pretty sure of yourself. I'll enlighten you, condescension is often linked to a lower IQ. Belief that the world is an inherently good place is often linked to a lower IQ. The fact that you think faggot is a no no word is also indicative of a low IQ. The fact that you think calling someone a child is an insult means you're early to mid twenties. So let me get this all wrapped up for you, you're likely not College educated. You drive a used car. You do not own a home. You're struggling with your bills and currently shitty job, and yet here you are. Arguing with a stranger on the internet instead of trying to better yourself as you think I should. So let me ask you, what makes you think your better than me? Is it because you lack the brain power to realize you're having a childish internet fight while ironically calling someone a child? Or are you one of the many people with a low IQ who thinks they're the smartest person in the room?

  • South American cuddle
  • ... whatever faggot. Your beliefs are opinions and you tout them like facts. Look up what that says about your intelligence. I'm serious. It's readily available. Plenty of studies about how intelligent you must be to speak this way.

    As for you, you're probably a faggot because your father was a faggot; and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  • Rishi Sunak says people ‘can’t be any sex they want to be’ in new swipe at trans community
  • Trust me I get that this is a legitimate medical issue. There's studies that show transitioned trans people are much happier. It greatly improves their life. I'm not denying that. I'm just trying to say: asking others to be empathetic is a waste of time, and quite honestly a bit childish. It's really NOT that important to the rest of us. I personally would NEVER say anything mean to a Trans person, in real life. If I see you want to be a woman I'll treat you that way no problem. No skin off my back. AT THE SAME TIME you cannot expect to get that reaction from everyone. Trans people should just have a bit more self awareness to the fact that it is asking too much to be ridicule free, or immediately accepted. Black people were slaves for hundreds of years and still get racism today, their only crime was the color of their skin. The Trans road will not be a short one, they better buckle up or they won't make it to the destination.

  • I have a problem
  • For me it's knives. Like I literally feel guilty about my last week of purchases. Bout $750 on 4 knives. I'm not gonna be destitute or anything, but now I just gotta kinda look at myself in hindsight like... damn bro. Have some self control lol. I can afford it, but don't fuckin need it. Gonna buy it anyways. Why are we like this?

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