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Is true that physical monetary systems are destined to disappear in the future and everything will be only digital stored data?
  • What about those that want more than they need? Like the greed for money translates to your purchasing power and how much you can get of what you want.

    So say someone works overtime, gets more money and can buy more things.

    In a world where there's no money, how does that individual get more of what they want?

  • How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?
  • They actually don't know, but mathematically in order for them to build it within the historical time constraints, it had to have been done one block per minute.

    Which some say is impossible with the technology they had, sparking conversation that there's more to the history of the pyramids than we think.

  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip
  • Through consent. The guy probably either has terminal illness and is happy to contribute to research or is completely paralysed, that an operation like this could benefit both parties.

    It's an agreement and I'm sure the risks are expressed to the individual.

  • [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers?
  • I find the Austrian School of Economics really interesting.

    Particularly books written by American economist Murray Rothbard, who talks about free markets, government (particularly government intervention) and inflation.

    There's a very short book you can read called "What has Government Done to Our Money?”

  • What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use?
  • The whole model they operate on is unsustainable. Either Blackrock and vanguard keep them afloat. Or they'll take on personal loans, issue out corporate debt. Or find ways to downscale, either job losses shrinkflation. Or raise prices. These are all desperate measures and are signs of an unsustainable company.

    Losing the middle class (if that's their target market) is a company's biggest downfall.

    And I feel that the little people will start to lose hope cause it feels like it doesn't matter... But it's similar to someone on credit card debt. You can only do it so long before it starts to catch up.

  • With the ubiquity of inflation and shrinkflation, why aren't there more boycotts? When will people say enough is enough?
  • We have that where I live and it honestly makes buying per weight / per sheet, incredibly helpful.

    There's been so many times, just looking at the packaging, I thought it was a great deal to then see the per weight price and release what a rip off it was.

    Massive quality of life for sure!

  • the agent's argument in the matrix
  • Exactly, it's still a somewhat survival of the fittest world, especially politics. Certain psychopaths get in as they have the skill to take down their opponents at whatever the costs.

    Then these people with their morals and ethics have the power to make global decisions.

  • Deleted
    how long is the current era of inflation going to last?
  • We made the money printers to brrr for a very long time with almost no inflation

    You can't print without consequences. The more you pump into circulation, the more currency you need to buy the same goods and services. You're basically losing purchasing power.

    If you give everyone a million dollars, you're going to see prices increase. If prices don't rise, people could buy out entire stocks of goods and you'll have supply problems. So you need prices to increase to adjust for the amount of currency circulating. That's inflation.

    Chart on your purchasing power over the years:

  • Deleted
    how long is the current era of inflation going to last?
  • Are these record profits adjusted for inflation? As in, are they earning more or is it nominally higher?

    My logic being, overhead gets more expensive as the currency diminishes. Companies raise prices (which you're seeing) to offset that. And then nominally, yes they'd be making record numbers. Like Zimbabwe, they made record numbers when they had hyperinflation. Didn't mean they were doing well.

    And yeah I mean it's not just devalued currency, there are a lot of factors that go into inflation. But Id say it's one of the biggest contributors for sure.

    Interest rates stayed low for too long and people borrowed up to their eyeballs (corporations included), pumping a lot of currency into the market. That's got to account for something no?

  • Account settings Show Avatars

    EDIT: This is now fixed. Thanks

    Settings shortcut: Account settings > Show avatars

    Doesn't seem to be saving despite turning it off and hitting save. I get a toast which says submitting and saving. But when I go back to the setting it's enabled again.

    Also to add, the setting stays turned off until I open up a post. Then when I go back the setting is turned back on.


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