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So glad I'm ditching these fucking idiots
  • Fusion 360 used to be free for the hobbyist too. FreeCAD is GPL licensed, so it will always be free.

  • xkcd #221: Random Number (9 Nov 2007)
  • Wasn't that then number always returned by the PS3 random number generator used in their DRM?

  • Amsterdam: Speed limit will be 30 km/h on most roads from today
  • Typical walking speed is about 2.5 to 3 MPH suppose your government legislated a universal walking speed limit of 1.5 MPH. I think you can easily see that ridiculous laws create offenders, and the offenders are the victim of bad laws.

  • City roads should be ‘ripped out completely’ to fight pollution, says government adviser
  • To take this to its logical conclusion, once the streets are gone, there is no need for buildings anymore, so they can tear those all down and plant a forest. But then you wonder where you are going to put all the people who used to live and work there.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • In California, any time I have seen an Amtrack train going the same direction as me on the freeway, I was passing it, never the other way around.

  • not gonna change it now.
  • The rules are entirely arbitrary, and have no basis in science. I have been told to turn off a GPS receiver that ran on two AA batteries for 12 hours. There is no possible way that you could affect the planes electronics with the power of two AA batteries. Especially not with electronics designed to be quiet enough not to interfere with the extremely weak GPS signals it must listen to. The electronics on a plane must be horribly designed if they can be affected by any hand held electronic device.

  • Modern consumer logic
  • I used to go to a local book store, until they stopped stocking any new science fiction. Then they went out of business and I was forced to buy books at Amazon as there was no other book store to go to.

  • Dotfiles matter! Please stop dumping files in users’ $HOME directories.
  • I absolutely despise the following directories: Documents, Music, Pictures, Public, Templates, Videos. Why? Because applications randomly dump stuff into these directories and fill them with junk files. I don't want any application putting anything into directories I actually use, unless I explicitly tell them to. It is not possible to keep your files organized if applications randomly dump trash files into them.

  • [meme] How would you rather see this land developed?
  • I spent seven years living in an apartment. I so enjoyed hearing the neighbors having sex, the thumping music they played, the smell of their cigarette smoke inside my apartment with all my windows closed, the random intrusions by management to repair something unrelated to my apartment, the random rent increases. Add this to the fact that I had no space for a work shop to make anything, and paying the equivalent of a mortgage with no equivalent home equity. Some people love apartment life, but it definitely was not for me.

  • just sayin'
  • Even though the gui file manager shows all directories as an image of a manila folder...

  • Rabbit? I'm a hare!
  • Enter the librarian...

  • breathtaking smile
  • Trump only has two expressions: Smug gloating, and grumpy. That smile is a photoshop.

  • Ikea
  • Particle board is heavier than un-processed wood. Ikea does sell some stuff made from actual wood if you look for it. I bought an unfinished pine table from them for $60 a few years ago.

  • Trump Claims His ‘Seal of Approval’ Will ‘Protect Loyal Donors From Scammers’ — Here’s What It Looks Like
  • Print a bunch of these as stickers, and put them on dumpsters.

  • AI-Created Art Isn’t Copyrightable, Judge Says In Ruling That Could Give Hollywood Studios Pause
  • You own the copyright of your photo, AI flat art has no copyright, therefore the only copyright is yours.

  • A nice day
  • And we do this by flinging metallic lead all over the countryside.

  • AI-Created Art Isn’t Copyrightable, Judge Says In Ruling That Could Give Hollywood Studios Pause
  • This limitation is too easy to get around. Have AI generate a picture. Take a photo of that picture and destroy the original. Copyright is now owned by the photographer. Have an AI write some music, change one note of that music and call in your arrangement of that piece, destroy the original music, and only your arrangement that you have a copyright on exists. etc.

  • Most motorists want noise cameras installed to clamp down on loud cars
  • Some idiot is going to hang out near the camera with a boom box and play loud engine noises every time an electric vehicle drives by.

  • NASA’s incredible new solid-state battery pushes the boundaries of energy storage: ‘This could revolutionize air travel’
  • There seems to be yet another new battery technology that will save the world every day. And yet, they never become available to the public. I really wish we could ban them from announcing until they can mass produce the battery and sell it to the public. It is almost as bad as all those articles about the "flying car that will be available next year" articles that have been appearing in magazines since the 1950's.

  • Caught in the act of ignoring valid command.

    I finally caught my Tesla ignoring a voice command it clearly heard and understood. It properly shows the command in the text box, then does nothing with it. It does this when it has no connectivity, but when it has no connectivity, nothing shows up in the text box. This is the first time I have been able to catch it where it clearly heard me, clearly understood what I said, then completely ignored me.

    Dodge RAM driver kills a cyclist. Media calls it a "bike crash".
  • In California, if there is not a parallel alternative route for bicycles to take, they are allowed on the freeway. Many parts of the 101 freeway fit this exception. State highway 130 (look it up on google maps) is a favorite of cyclists. It is a two lane state highway with a 40 MPH speed limit. for most of its length, there are no shoulders. In many places, the white line on the edge of the lane is also the edge of a vertical cliff. There are places where I have seen an SUV in front of me with one wheel on the white line, and the other on the double yellow line because the lane is so narrow. The road is so winding that there are very few places where you can even get to the speed limit, let alone exceed the speed limit. But bicyclists love it because it was built to allow horse drawn wagons to haul heavy loads to the top of a 4000' peak, so it has a very gentle grade, and there are great views along its entire length.

  • Is there a good Android app?

    Is there a good Android app for using offline OpenStreetMap maps? My primary goal is to have maps that work when I have no connectivity. I'd like to download the entire US (or perhaps another country if I am traveling) and be able to navigate hiking trails where no cell service exists.

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