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I'm seeing a ton of anti-Russia posts on r*ddit today. More than normal. Something about to go down or the feds just annoyed that people are loosing interest?

That's it. That's the post. I saw a bunch of anti-Russia posts today. Way more than normal and they are deploying their bot army to the max on them.

Russian support could give China's army "a decisive advantage in a potential conflict with the United States."
  • They really wouldn't have to set anything up after destroying our government and some key military bases. It would take decades to create any sort of industry to even begin remaking the military. Not to mention, the US power grid is so bad the feds did a study on it. They concluded that all it would take is 13 key substations being destroyed and the entire power grid of the US is down for at least 18 months. In that 18 months they estimated 80% of the population would die. There would t be anyone left to even attempt to retaliate.

  • What commodities have been ruined by of worsened overtime by capitalism.
  • All of them? Capitalism ruins everything it touches. The endless push to increases profits ruins any product eventually. Take for instance the Instant Pot. The company that made the original.... Went bankrupt because they made them too well. They never broke. Never need maintenance. They just worked. Capitalism HAS to make product that get worse over time. That break and fall apart and have to be replaced.

    That's not even getting I to stuff like games and media. I see other people already going there, so I will just stop here. lol

  • Biden calls Kim Jong Un ‘South Korean President’, I believe this is called foreshadowing
  • And both are loaded with too many preservatives.

  • Chinese official talks with DPRK counterpart in the nations’ highest-level meeting in years
  • "Hey want to go out to lunch? Maybe do communism later?"

  • YOu DOn'T UNdERSTAND, its diffEReNt!
  • Wouldn't it be more like, if Russia declared itself a religious nation, say some form of Christianity, then "standing with Ukraine" would be anti-christianity (or whatever the proper term would be)?

  • China's S1 robot displays 'human-like' speed and precision
  • I swear we get some of the dumbest comments from ppl outside of Lemmygrad. Every time I see one with negatives I know it's just some idiot lib or fed poster type.
    Factory robots are pre programmed sets of movements that, if they get out of alignment, will just mess up and stop working properly. They don't have much or any ability to analyze different tasks. They aren't designed to be able to analyze different objects and move them accordingly on their own. Most don't even have sensors and if they do is pretty basic shit to align two objects together for assembly. The fact you can move this around and have it do all sorts of tasks that this can analyze and do itself without further input makes it so far beyond a factory robot. You can't even take an auto assembly arm from one part of the line and move it to another part of the line without reprogramming in the movement parameters.

  • Columbia University threatens to deploy National Guard to evict Gaza solidarity encampment
  • What shit heel thinks the head of a University has any say in deploying the National Guard? lol. That's like me telling my neighbor I'm calling the military because his hedges aren't trimmed.

  • More Americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck this year than in 2023
  • God I hope to fuck this place doesn't still exist by 2029.

  • What lack of reading theory does to mfs
  • Capitalism being capitalism:

    Libs: "It'S nOt REAL CaPiTaLiSm"

  • Cold War 2: US officials call to overthrow China's gov't, expand military budget to $1.4 trillion | Geopolitical Economy Report
  • Lol. They will just piss that money down the drain to contractors that won't ever be able to catch up to China. By the time trump would get allected to push this through we will have passed the point where the US could ever hope to catch up to China. The US is all but bled dry.

  • Cheap meal options? 🥺
  • I lactoferment them. Reduced carbs and increases soluble fibers and protein availability. Pretty neat stuff.

  • “Watermelon erases israel”

    Shamelessly stolen from The Deprogram reddit.

    Rest in P*ss bozo

    🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀

    Older video that uses the wests own documentaries to disprove the modern western version of the Tiananmen square "massacre."

    All sources are linked in the video description. I think I've posted before but the instance has grown significantly and the issue is relevant now given Yogthos's post. Suggest downloading it if you can.

    Been reading into fermentation effects on bean. 75% reduction in soluble sugars and an almost 20% increase in soluble fiber is pretty crazy.

    Not so much workout related but still health related in a way. lol

    The fiber in beans is already good for regulation blood sugar and digestion. Fermenting them would seem to be adding to this impact by greatly reducing the carb load and further increasing the fiber content. Not to mention the fact fermented beans won't give you gas because those compounds get fermented out as well. Also an 8% increase in protein value is nice to boot. Downside is a loss of some vitamin content but I'll take that trade off.

    I'm interested in how it would impact something you can make tofu out of like soy or garbanzo beans. I actually have some garbanzo beans fermenting so I plan to try it out. I made a tofu out of regular rehydrated garbanzo beans by blending them up into a paste. Straining out the liquid which I cooked down. I steamed the solids to cook them then added them back into the liquid once it was thickened. Made a paste that was like mashed potatoes and glue. lol. Once cooled in the fridge though it made a pretty firm and cuttable tofu that had more texture than a normal tofu. Going to try the same technique but with the fermented beans instead and see what happens. lol

    A warriors drink.
    Weekly exercise thread 31Mar23.

    What's up comrades, how has your week gone? Any gripes? Any boasting? Anything you wish to share?

    Yes, I am aware I am a day early... but considered the times I was late I figured it was a fair trade off.

    Also I wanted to show off my new, in-process, weight plates.

    8x 10lbs

    2x 15lbs, 30lbs, and 35lbs

    Final touch ups will be done with epoxy and BBs to get the final weights more exact but they need to cure for a few weeks to a month before I go doing that.

    Weekly exercise thread. 26Mar2023

    How's it going comrades? How's the workouts going?

    Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. Job searching has me pretty stressed but I'm gonna try and not let that keep us from having the weekly thread moving forward I finally managed to get motivated and lift some this week.

    Weekly exercise thread. 03March2023

    Good day comrades! How has your exercising been going this week?

    I got some paint on my brake disks. Used up some truck bed liner spray on the inside of the disks so I had to finish the outside with a can gray metal spray paint I had laying around. Will probably do a light coat of more liner spray when I get some just to match them up. I'm hoping to get some more like these in the futures and make several sets of 10lb weights to use with dumbbells. I need to move up to 40s soon but if I make them out of solid concrete they'll be almost too big to maneuver properly. lol.

    Weekly exercise thread. 24Feb2023

    What's up comrades? How has your week been going?

    I got 2 costs of "seasoning" baked onto my brake disks. Lmao. They don't look pretty but they are dry and protected from rusting for now. Going to paint them this weekend. I know it's silly but I love them. Partially just because of how ridiculous it is. Lol

    My next set of weights.

    Turning my old rear rotors into weights.

    Soak in vinegar to de-rust

    Scrub clean, rinse, and dry

    Immediately starts to rust because cast iron

    Doesn't have paint right now to coat

    Thinking of how to prevent further rusting.




    Seasons break rotors with peanut oil in oven at 500 degrees F

    Weekly exercise thread. 17Feb2023

    Good day comrades! Figured I would get the post made earlier in the day today I stead of the usual, forgetting till the last minute. How has your exercising been going this week?

    I radicalized my friends and now they are cooler than me.

    So I had a buddy I started hanging out with a while back. A friend of one of my other friends. Knew him but never really did much hanging out. Well the original mutual friend turned into a pretty hardcore incel fascist so I broke off contact and one day reached out and other guy had stopped hanging out with him too so we just started chatting and started hanging out.

    I slowly started showing the seeds of communism in him. We started talking more and more. He invited me into his discord with a few of his other friends. Over the next several months I got them listening to some left podcasts and the deprogram. They went hardcore into it. I only listen when I walk/jog so I only get through an episode or two a week. I recently got them into more "China not bad, NK not bad, Tiananmen square was a lie" kind of stuff.

    I recently was in chat ranting about this older lady I have acquaintance with and how I hate trying to talk to boomers about unions and shit and how I can't really share a lot of my best resources cause as soon as these people here " US bad" they loose their fucking minds. He starts pointing out specific episodes of the Deprogram to listen to to learn how to talk to these people and other, less radical, videos to start people off on... All I could feel was a deep sense of pride. The student has become the master. My job is all but done. There's not really much left to teach them that they won't soon discover themselves. It's... Nice.

    That's all comrades. Just wanted to share. Regardless of what else is going on, there are at least a few more communists among us now.

    201dberg 201dberg

    They see like this all the time.

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