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Inline const expressions have been stabilised
  • fn foo(x: i32) {
        match x {
            const { 3.pow(3) } => println!("three cubed"),
            _ => {}

    But it looks like inline_const_pat is still unstable, only inline_const in expression position is now stabilized.

  • Huge star explosion to appear in sky in once-in-a-lifetime event
  • According to Wikipedia:

    In March or April 2023, it dimmed to magnitude 12.3. A similar dimming occurred in the year before the 1946 outburst, indicating that it will likely erupt between April and September 2024.

  • [SOLVED] How do I increase "Up bandwidth limit:" in i2psnark
  • Edit i2psnark.upbw.max in i2psnark.config (this can be in a number of locations based on install type and platform - just search for it).

    Or you can remove the maxlength and size attributes from the text input, it will save just fine.

  • Where can I ask questions about iproute2 tools?

    The base operation of the u32 filter is actually very simple. It extracts a bit field from a 32 bit word in the packet, and if it is equal to a value supplied by you it has a match. The 32 bit word must lie at a 32 bit boundary.

  • why do some addresses work while others dont
  • There is no central naming authority in I2P. All hostnames are local. (Naming and Address Book)

    Therefore, if an url doesn't work, it isn't in your local address book.

    You can add mappings yourself if you know the destination or b32 address, or make use of subscriptions. In this case, add http://i2p-projekt.i2p/hosts.txt and http://notbob.i2p/hosts.txt to your address book subscriptions, the latter contains the destination for mysu.i2p.

  • I need someone to do a sanity check for me and to explain encrypted lease sets
  • Yes this is sane and one of the main use cases for encrypted lease sets. Encrypted lease sets make it impossible for unauthorized users to connect to your hidden services.

    If you know beforehand that only one client needs to be able to connect, choose "DH" as a security strategy, and share the client's key with the server. This article explains these concepts in detail.

    If you don't care about anonymity (given the 0-hop tunnels), you could also stick both hosts on an overlay network like Yggdrasil. This may or may not be more convenient / performant based on the number of services you want to expose.

  • Self-hosted rotating proxy
  • I think glider can do this, with -strategy rr (Round Robin mode). I have not used it in this way myself, so you might need to experiment a little. Proxychains can also do this, but it doesn't present a socks5 interface itself (it uses LD_PRELOAD, so it won't work everywhere).

  • EndeavourOS encrypted partition
  • Argon2id (cryptsetup default) and Argon2i PBKDFs are not supported (GRUB bug #59409), only PBKDF2 is.

    There is this patch, although I have not tested it myself. There is always cryptsetup luksAddKey --pbkdf pbkdf2.

  • Why does replace-regexp backwards work so differently?
  • Consider the string abc. From the end, moving backwards, when does it match \w+, and what does it match? When it reaches c, it matches c. And from the front, moving forwards? When it reaches a, it matches abc. This is why it acts differently.

  • Sicilian Defense: Hyperaccelerated Dragon, Fianchetto, Pterodactyl Defense

    This is a favourite of mine. White to move. rnbqk1nr/pp1pppbp/6p1/2pt5/3PP3/5N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 1 4

    (Original posted to !

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