Got a small monitor for small music stuff :)
- Window Manager: dwm
- System Information: Neofetch
- Terminal: Simple Terminal (st) + Nerd Font
- Status Bar: dwmblocks
- Tabbed Terminal: tabbed
- Cow: cowsay + fortune (darkest dungeons)
- Compositor: xcompmgr
- Music Setup: mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp, and glava for music visualization.
- Monitor Configuration: mons
- Color scheme and sutff: PyWal + Custom Script to generate themes and other stuff.
Been using dwm on my convertible for a couple of months now, and I really love it
true minimalism
Editor: Vimacs (Most feature-full neovim distro)
PDF: Sioyek
Distro: Arch
WM: dwm
Terminal: ST
Fetch: BunnyFetch
LS: logo-ls
Synthwave setup in Debian
First rice!! (kinda). Spend a lot of time in it, and I don't regret it. I also have rofi but couldn't screenshot it with scrot (U~U ||| I'll post the dotfiles and builds when I upload them.
OS: Debian Sid (installed originally as Debian 12/Bookworm)
WM: DWM flexipatch
Font: SpaceMono Nerd Font with 12pt
Terminal: st
Shell: zsh with PowerLevel10k
GTK: 3.0 with a half-finished theme based on fluoromachine
Icons: ePapirus Dark
Neovim theme: Fluoromachine
Programs on screen: Neovim, cmatrix and neofetch
Nothing special
os: Arch
wm: DWM
filemanager: Ranger/Thunar
terminal: St
launcher: Rofi
first post on lemmy, reddit old times vibe...
Distro: Archlinux WM: DWM Editor: Neovim Cli stuff:
- cava
- neofetch
Same old stuff
I'm confused, I'm not sure which Lemmy instance I should post at this one or the one. In the meantime I'll post at both :D
WM: dwm
Terminal: st
Theme: Onedark+Qogir-dark
Bar: dwmblocks-async
Filemanager: Ranger
Launcher: Rofi
Dream of the Endless
- DOTS: github Let me know if I forgot to add something
- OS: Void Linux
- WM: dwm (my build)
- Statusbar: dwmblocks (my build)
- Terminal: st (my build)
- Launcher: dmenu (my build)
- Browser: firefox
- Startpage: my own
- Fetch: rxfetch
- Other programs: x11+picom, sxiv, neovim, xwallpaper, zathura, mpv, newsboat, shellcaster, mpd with ncmpccppcppp, lf, Dunst, ImageMagick, ffmpeg, xsecurelock
colorscheme - gruvbox-material
fonts - martian mono, be vietnam pro icons - fontaweso
Nothing better than arch linux and some big bang theory
Thinkpad T420 with Archlinux WM : DWM DWMblocks Terminal : st minimum setup for low memory usage