In-line image breaks embedded links
Can't see images on nearly 1/3 of posts
Feed blur settings no longer per account
[iOS] Settings Reset Periodically
swiping video can break app
Webpage not available and back button doesn't function when trying to subscribe to a community after searching.
Announcements from subscribed subs show up in All, not Home
haptic on scrolling of post menu
Update notification
[iOS 16.6.1] [lockdown mode] comments do not load and settings do not save
When swiping left, a banner shows up to a newspaper app
Can't scroll up without refreshing
Show more replies not working
[1.0.24] Voyager: for Lemmy - notifications from blocked users
Tapping on images will instantly scroll down
LOVE themes, but pure black bug?
show hide read button only hides
images partially loading, will not reload
If you edit a post, then you save, then you edit it again, the changes added in the previous edit are not there.
Scrolling issue