Stance on conflict
Stance on conflict
Stance on conflict
I will send Israel more bombs.
America was locked into that in the Obama era. Israel gets massive amounts of aid.
There is more than enough legal reason to justify stopping sales to Israel but the rules are not applied equally:
So it seems like they choose not to and I'm not sure if there's a justification for that which isn't fucking atrocious
And our presidents have been saying “two state solution” for far longer AFAIK. Frankly anybody still pushing that line in 2024 might as well just drop the mask and say what Trump is saying.
man some of this rhetoric really makes you think... "you are literally as bad as a nazi if you think that complete and total end of this long running conflict/war is probably unlikely to go well"
since when was there a problem with a two state solution? Currently the issue is that there really isn't a two state solution due to the strip repeatedly fucking itself in the ass.
Granted israel doesn't get a clean pass here either, with all the settler bullshit they're doing.
maybe? I would have to see some convincing evidence of this outside of just "trust me bro" regardless, this doesn't stop me from believing in a two state solution, because it turns out i have free will and can have my own opinions, so thats cool.
I would think if any US president hadn't supported it, there would've already been a war and this would no longer be a problem, but i guess your concept of support is probably closer to conspiracy so.
also edit: if you judge hitler by his actions and not his words, you'll miss the part where he mentions killing 6 million jews
"the middle east can't figure their shit out"
—the civil western man after decades of colonization, coups, arming terrorists, assassinations, bombing, wars, torture, and otherwise meddling in the middle east.
thank you so much for figuring shit out for yourself, o civilized man. please update us whenever you figure out how to do literally anything without massive exploitation. it's been a quarter millenium, we're waiting.
Typical leftist misrepresenting the facts again.
We are looking at like, 2+ centuries of western meddling in the middle east. At a bare minimum 75 years. not just a quarter century.
It said "quarter millennium". We're all in agreement here
Well shit. I guess I can't read.
Least genocidal american policy
At least it would be a fair fight.
Are you under the impression that the genocide exists in a vacuum devoid of international context?
Racist pos
Because history of the ME began in 19 hundreds
20 years ago. more like 80. So is that the line that makes finders keepers cool then? 80 years? Why 80? Will it be okay in 2 more decades? When DO property rights expire for civilizations?
Or is this whole idea of "I was here first" BS to begin with? Nahhhhh... That can't be right. I mean, it's not like anyone fighting today was alive when Israel was re-founded but what does that matter?
So because a few people who cover up their strive for power with bullshit ideologies that are tangential to religion you want everyone surrounding them, innocent civilians, to die - people who have been born into these countries, who cannot leave even if they were willing to sever the ties to their beloved ones and everything they knew, children, disabled people, you just want them to die alongside - because you are sick of reading about it on the news?
Fuck you then.
Religious zealots blowing each other up and I'm the bad guy because I think they are wrong for doing it. Got it.
You're the bad guy for assuming because a couple of dozen people in power want to blow each other's civilians up and monger hate amongst their citizens everyone deserves to die. You're the asshole for wanting to arm them to the teeth so that they can finally blow each other up for good. Yes, that does indeed make you the bad guy.
I don't actually believe we should arm both sides, I'm being an asshole. I just hate the fact that people kill each other for religious bullshit. I'm so fucking sick of it.
i wonder what your opinion on the cold war is/was