Yes, but only on motorcycles. That's because there's no such thing as an automatic motorcycle[1][2][3][4][^5], so you have to learn manual if you want to ride one. Unfortunately this skill doesn't transfer well to manual driving because on bikes you operate the clutch with your hand and the shift with your foot. I'm not terribly worried about that, though... I've literally never even been on the inside of a manual drive car before!
For context: I'm mid-20s from the American south.
[^1]: No, electrics don't count.
[^2]: No, semi-autos don't count.
[^3]: No, three-wheelers don't count.
[^4]: No, the 2006 Yamaha bikes don't count because that line was a sales failure.
[^5]: Ok, fine. Honda's DCT bikes do count, but holy shit are they expensive!