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  • Maybe I'm crazy but they did teach me this in school. "This means so this operation until conditions are met".

  • The hard part of math isn't understanding esoteric symbols it's the theory behind it and it's application. Number theory will mindbreak almost all people.

    • The hardest thing for me about math was the symbols. Greek, Roman, English.

      Once you get past that, the numbers are easy.

      • Number theory and higher levels of math are a completely different beast. Once your exam is over 50% just writing proofs you will change your tune. Unless you are built for it.

  • In a way I always thought coding was more intuitive than maths writing norms. That is if you speak English. If not, it's as much daunting as weird greek symbols.

  • I think gamedev or I guess graphics programming, visualize maths pretty well. I literally quit high school because I could never make any progress in several areas, including math class. But once I read/watch more about gamedev, programming, graphics programming on my own, I got to understand many mathematical terminologies better than I have ever been taught in any school.

  • Invented in the 50s, Fortran = FORmula Translating language. It was basically created to solve this sort of problem.