Good to the last drop
Good to the last drop
Good to the last drop
Squirt is grapefruit soda not lemonade
In some dialects, "lemonade" is any citrus soda
And doesn't hold a candle to Ting
Squirt isn't lemonade, it's a citrus soda. And also pee.
In the UK lemonade is a carbonated soda. I thought that was the root of the joke, with a cultural confusion. The other commenters seem to think it's a pee joke? But if it was, it wasn't funny so I think I'm right.
That said, my interpretation isn't funny either? What is this post?
Think it’s referring to this kinda squirt.
Citrus soda is lemonade in certain parts of the world. Australia for example.
You saying I drank pee in the 90s?
Who didnt?
Squirt is a grapefruit flavored soft drink, here. Come to America if you want Squirt that's not just regular lemonade. ;)
Someone will have to explain that one to me, but I have a feeling is something gross.
I think the joke is that "squirt" from women is pee and people do a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid saying they're getting pissed on. Like an equivalent to a yellow snow joke. It also hinges on the fact that Squirt the beverage is a grapefruit soda that also doesn't taste anything like lemonade
Squirt soda is delicious. Coulder the better, great summertime drink.
The post isn't funny at all. The "joke" is urine.
I prefer fart jokes but it's a slow joke day.
I know calling lemon/lime flavored soda lemonade is a regional thing, but I don't remember what country it's from. Australia, I think?
at least australia, and england too i believe
Basically all the countries except those in North America, I think?
Wow, I had no idea it was that widespread. I don't look down on it or anything, languages be localised and all that, it just seems odd to me from a practical perspective, because what I call lemonade and lemon-lime soda are super different to me and lumping them under the same name seems like it'd make it difficult to specify which one you mean, but maybe it's kind of like sparkling water, it's still water but with bubbles? Idk flat sprite is still a lot different from lemonade but still vaguely lemony... I think it's one of the neater differences in terminology between countries tbh.
Reminds me of Pocari Sweat drink, which doesn't taste like sweat.