118 1 ReplyWhy did this make me audibly laugh
28 0 Replybecause you found it funny
22 0 Reply
hahaha beat me to it
4 0 Reply
This incident will be reported
38 0 ReplyWait a second... better check my sudoers...
29 0 ReplyImagine your brain not being in your sudoers file
32 0 ReplyI believe that's called executive dysfunction.
30 0 ReplyI'm willing to turn day to day operations over to a more capable admin :D
21 0 ReplyI'm trying to imagine if my brain was...
3 0 ReplyIf not in your brain, where would your sudoers file be? In your kidney?
1 0 Reply
Some Linux users identify as administrators. Their pronouns are Su/Do
8 0 Replysudo systemctl stop braind
sudo systemctl mask braind
7 0 ReplyPseudo
6 0 Replypanel 3 should be bladder
2 0 Reply
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