huh? anyone can dislike going cashless, since when do conservatives care about domestic abuse victims for example? conservatives generally perpetrate domestic abuse!
This domestic abuse thing sounds to me like a "pull up yourself by the bootstrap" situation kind of myth.
Are there women who can stash thousands away to prepare to flee, but cannot somehow have a bank account? That sounds so unrealistic, it seems to me more of an excuse to tell abused people they are just "not trying hard enough".
Are there women who can stash thousands away to prepare to flee, but cannot somehow have a SECRET bank account?
^ fixed your question - an important word was missing. And now to answer it, in some countries it is impossible to open a bank account without your spouse knowing about it. If you are married, your spouse must cosign.
It doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. When a specific political entity makes anti-privacy plans, then it's different ofc, but don't bring politics into non-political posts.
well they can't say the parts they're actually angry about so we get this bullshit roll.
it's very much like racism, they won't come out and say they don't like people of color, they'll simply come up with a dozen ways to discriminate against them but say it's personal freedom, etc.
they're angry about not being able to pay people under the table, about not being able to skim the petty cash etc.
... but what if I was in a place without mobile phone reception and nanna wanted to buy a toy from a homeless person having a garage sale to give to my kid?!
See... you just haven't thought this whole cashless thing through.