Rank your favorite torrent uploaders
Rank your favorite torrent uploaders
I'm curious who your favorite torrent uploaders are (sorted by quality) e.g. QxR, UTR, etc.
Rank your favorite torrent uploaders
I'm curious who your favorite torrent uploaders are (sorted by quality) e.g. QxR, UTR, etc.
Are you mixing up uploaders and release crews?
For remuxes I find BLU internals (WiLDCAT, BLURANiUM, CONSORTiUM, PmP etc) to be solid. I find a lot of them really go the extra mile and make a definitive remux with best video qualities, audio qualities, subtitles, chapters etc. They aren't really racing for the fastest release but building quality remuxes.
As far as like remuxers that race to do the latest releases, CiNEPHiLES, EPSiLON, FraMeSToR, KRaLiMaRKo, TRiToN, and LEGi0N I'd prefer in that order I'd say...but they often are just aiming to do a plain one source remux from a single blu-ray and not much else. Some opting for custom discs or make mistakes with bad DV layers etc.
I think above all else. BLU does a really good job of curating the best remuxes possible. They have a few individual users who do great remuxes but aren't like big groups...and a whole program where they mark ones as BLURANiUM approved.
For WEB-DL HONE and FLUX I think are the best that are active. NTb often won't do a hybrid DV HDR release and it's annoying. HONE is also great because they do H.265 for 1080p. Otherwise most are fine really...
For movie encodes, I typically will just grab the 1080p HDR encodes that are available or otherwise just a 1080p x264. Lot of the HDB and BHD internals basically here, the Aither internals are good too...but lot of the time I do it myself from a good remux!
I often grab re-encodes for older TV series with way too many episodes and I don't care about quality as much in particular. QxR, TAoE, EDGE2020, Vyndros, YAWNiX, iVy are good in my book.
-ZR- aka Zanros, PT only group that does great anime duals for almost every anime there is.
HONE for 1080p H265 WEB-DL
Tigole is the Goat.
threesixtyp is my top for TV shows. The only other unloaders I keep track of are for repackers like Fit-Girl and Gnarly
I don't use torrents anymore but heres some names I remember being fond of; NTB, NTG, DON, CtrlHD, EbP, FraMeStoR, FGT, EVO, PmP, NCmt, FTW-HD, HDxT, PlayHD, HDMaNiAcS, KRaLiMaRKo, BS, HaB, decibeL, iFT, BluDragon, TrollHD, D-Z0N3, HiFI, KiNGS, mHD, CHD, de[42], FoRM.
Not sorted but I only went for 1080p, web-dl, bluray and remuxes so all these should be good quality releases.