Takahashi Meijin and the History of Caravan STG - shmuplations.com
Takahashi Meijin and the History of Caravan STG - shmuplations.com
shmuplations.com Takahashi Meijin and the History of Caravan STG - shmuplations.com
Rare footage from STG caravans. What I mean by simplicity and exhiliration, is like… the rules are simple: when your ship gets hit you die, so shooting down enemies is the only way to avoid that. And when you shoot down a wave of 8 enemies in a row, “pew pew pew pew!” and get
It's history day 😆 ! I've been fascinated about the "caravan" style shooter genre since I first heard of it, so here's an interview on the subject from a developer who was part of their creation.