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Mystery risk factor linked to high rates of kidney cancer, major DNA study finds. The study found a unique genetic mutation in more than 70% of certain kidney cancer patients in Japan, a higher pe... Mystery risk factor linked to high rates of kidney cancer, major DNA study finds

Researchers analysing the DNA of people with kidney cancer worldwide have found evidence of an unknown trigger that could explain the longstanding mystery of why some countries* have a higher incidence of the disease.

Mystery risk factor linked to high rates of kidney cancer, major DNA study finds
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The original was posted on /r/science by /u/Wagamaga on 2024-05-15 08:19:07+00:00.

Original Title: Mystery risk factor linked to high rates of kidney cancer, major DNA study finds. The study found a unique genetic mutation in more than 70% of certain kidney cancer patients in Japan, a higher percentage than in other countries