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X now treats the term cisgender as a slur

  • I call myself cis male. What delicate fucking snowflakes.

    EDIT: I want to provide some more information. I am a straight cis male. Straight is my sexual preference, cis gendered in my gender identity, and male is my biological sex as assigned at birth. I was first called cis male by a lesbian friend in a relationship with a trans-masculine lesbian (I think...s/he was a life long butch lesbian who began to transition socially after we met.) My friend described to me what cis meant and I said, "Ya, that describes me." I have a pair of trans women friends (one post-op and one who will never get the surgery.) I have a pair of gay friends, one who had always known that he was gay and one who was closeted his whole life, married, kids, and came out in his 50s. I had known him for 25 years and never thought about whether he was straight or gay. In my social circle, intellectual and liberal, it is handy to be able to let people know a bit about me in a few words. I've embraced "cis" because I don't think that I am superior because I am what I am. The people who are offended by being called "cis" are the ones who have sneered labels at others. I haven't done that. I also find it handy in social situations to be able to say I'm interested in straight or bi cis women.

    I could not care less who you love, who you want to have sex with, how you present yourself, how you want to be addressed, etc. I have my preference but that's just me.