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Start learning at 50

Start learning at 50

I've always wanted to learn programming. I've read a blog post saying that at this age it was to late . Then I read a post here in saying the opposite. I've found a site that was learn x in y minutes where it has a bunch of languages there. After reading them, the languages that caught my attention were Julia, Clojure and Go. Are any of these good for a beginner or should I start with something else? I know what are variables, can spot an if/else statement but that's about it. What are some good resources for someone like me who likes to learn by doing things?

  • Its never too late to start learning something! I am sure you are well aware of your learning rate and how it changes as you get older but that doesn’t mean you cannot learn at all.

    As a beginner, often Python is recommended as a simpler language to pick up and start learning.

    Do you have a goal in mind with what you want to learn? Learning to write code in general is fine, but if you have an idea in mind that you want to program, different languages maybe a better starting point. For example if you want to build a web app browser based, id suggest learning front end tools like javascript. Whereas if its a desktop app you want to build, python would work well.

    Or maybe you want to just learn programming as a concept without any specific goals in mind beyond how stuff works?

  • I'm a big proponent of life-long learning. Never let anyone tell you that you shouldn't learn something. Do you know what types of things you would want to write a program to do? It's easier if you have a goal in mind as it will provide a motivation as well as specific things to learn since "programming" is a rather large topic.

    Clojure, Julia and go are very different languages. Of the three "go" is probably the most popular and would likely have a lot of resources available for learning. Python is also a very popular and "beginner friendly" language since it's interpreted and you can run scripts without the need for compiling them. But they're all fine languages so if you're drawn to one go for it. There are many concepts that are simply "language agnostic" so if you learn one language it will be easier to switch to another language later. You're not going to be locked in. That said Clojure will be the most different from the others you've listed. It's a so-called "functional language" which has a different approach from non-functional languages. This is not a criticism, just an FYI. Though functional languages do tend to be "less popular" generally but with a core of people who simply love them. Your mileage may vary.

    And there is an important point to make here - programming is about more than learning languages. There are many concepts that you'll want to learn as well that are used when programming. "Object Oriented" programming, the aforementioned "functional programming", various data structures (lists, maps, arrays, etc.). many algorithms for things like sorting, searching, etc. The list goes on. To start with you'll want to learn simple data types (numbers, strings, probably dates) and data structures (lists, maps, arrays). Then move to more complex data structures ("structs", classes, queues, etc.).

    Once you've selected a language you'll want to consider a development environment. What will you write code with, how will you run it, etc. Often some sort of IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is useful as it will provide many tools that assist in running your code. There are sometimes different IDEs for different languages, and some that support many languages. VSCode is a flexible option that is free, IntelliJ is another good option but is commercial (though with a "community edition" that is free). You can always ask here about tooling.

    These days I would start out with an AI helping you. AI's get a lot of crap for "sometimes generating bad or non-working code" but they can be extremely helpful as a learning aide and for explaining concepts, code, etc. They're infinitely patient and provide near-instant response. I've been coding for, well, we'll just say "some time" but even I've found AIs very helpful when learning a new language. You can directly ask it "what's that '?:' thing on line 4?" and get a good quick response vs. trying to google "?:" without knowing it's called "the elvis operator". Some AIs are better at coding than others and they're getting better almost daily. If you've sat for an hour trying to figure out why something isn't working chances an AI can often provide some guidance and keep you from getting too frustrated.

    Edit: One thing I should add is that you will find many people with very strong opinions in the programming community. These opinions can be about which languages are good, what editors you should use, etc. Take any guidance that "X sucks" or "avoid Y" with a grain of salt. Best to ignore them completely and look for people who have more reasoned responses.

  • Never too old to learn. I think Python is a great beginner language. It has fairly broad applications, and easy to set up an environment (don't have to download/install a thousand things, you just install python and can run the text files in terminal). I also learned by doing starting in late middle school/early high school. I always found YouTube videos to be the most engaging way to get started. I used to like thenewboston. Once I had a handle on the basic programming language, I would do easy programming challenges where you have to solve some sort of basic problem. The challenges helped me learn basics like taking in input, changing the input based on the various rules and conditions of the challenges, then outputting the proper results formatted in the right way. Also helped me to think about algorithms, etc. After that, I started learning programming through a textbook. This was helpful for understanding some of the more technical aspects, basics of memory management, what different variable types are really for, OOP, abstraction, algorithms etc. I found that leaving these advanced topics till after I had a working understanding of the programming language helped understand the concepts better, and helped me understand why it's important to learn the concepts in the first place. I was using Java for learning most of this, which might also be a good place to start for you, but I feel like python has simpler syntax to start with. In the end once you learn one language, I recommend learning more and not being stuck to any particular language. Every language has it's own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding the commonalities and differences will only make you better in the long run.

    Edit - now I use Go, python, JavaScript, R, Java, Julia, rust based on what I'm actually doing. It's fairly easy to switch languages once you get used to basic syntax.

  • Its only too late if its for a career change since you really need to be safe about income and retirement (notto mentions age discrimination). Still could help you in your day job to automate tasks. If you like math puzzles then coding them is a nice hobby too! Learning is always worth it in my opinion.

  • It's always worthwhile to learn new things!

    And programming is a tool, so it's typically made to be clear how to use it, although of course people will differ on what needs to be clarified the most.

    My experience is that there's way too much discussion in what tool to pick, it doesn't matter that much and almost all of the common languages will allow you to do all the things. And even though some will be better adapted for certain applications, it's easy to pick up the new tool when relevant, and you'll be that much ahead by being well versed in one.

    As for how to learn, I find that you kind of need to figure out the basic syntax in each language (loops, conditionals, output, memory management, typology, lists, function calling, maybe classes/libraries if you're fancy), and then start doing projects.

    A nice intro for C# is the C# Player's Guide by R B Whitaker, using some gamification and storytelling to get you through the basics, and even leave you prepared to tackle your first projects (by practicing design philosophy, how to break down projects, etc).

    Otherwise, Python is a lot of fun, it's made to be very easy to jump into, and then it's fully featured to do anything you'd like it to. Unfortunately all my resources for it are in my local language, but it has many many users so I'm sure there's great resources to be found in your own language.

  • I'd actually recommend to start with C#, it's the perfect balance from complexity and simplicity, so you don't miss out on certain learning curves.

  • I would recommend C for the simplicity. You'll get familiar with the nitty gritties of a relatively featureless programming language. Which will let you view other languages and their tools with more nuance. But it all depends on what you want to do with it, want to program an MCU like Arduino or learn linux? C is perfect. If you want to build something with graphical interfaces like websites or GUI apps, I would suggest something else but C is still a good place to get started.

    Here is something written by AI:

    • Mental Toughness: C can be challenging, but mastering it builds strong problem-solving skills and a deeper appreciation for higher-level languages.
    • Widespread Influence: Many popular languages like Java and C++ borrow heavily from C's syntax and concepts, making it easier to learn them later.
    • Under the Hood: C provides a closer look at how computers work, memory management, and hardware interaction compared to higher-level languages.
  • Hey I'm you at almost 40! I was always dev adjacent, but never learned to do much more than basic scripting for work.

    I started with a couple books: Chassels intro to emacs lisp and Python the hard way.

    Python was helpful for a couple things, but the ecosystem is kind of a disaster. I found just the general emacs config helps quite a bit get your feet wet with lisp likes.

    Other people have mentioned Go is a great start point because its simplified, and I've definitely found it a lot more helpful than the java and C compliers I tried to learn on in my teens.

    The only other thing I'd throw out is Lua, it's super verbose in a way thats pretty easy to understand. it's also relatively easy to find programs like wezterm that are configured through lua and offer instant reaponses when you change something and see changes.

    Just like any new language it takes time, and some hard work to internalize what youre learning, but I don't think there's a too old.

    You don't have to be the best programmer ever to do useful things.

  • No to Python, Go, Lisp and C to begin. In fact at this level you just need to get a feel for process. You need to start where u feel attracted to. You need to learn principles and not languages nor frameworks. Im surprised not one of the replies gives an accurate picture of what it entails to think like a computer. Computation is not an efficient brain like a humans. It was made to work with the hardware we invented long ago. You have to learn the rudimentary and boring repetition the machine HAS to do so it can appear as a real memorable entity. A practical suggestion is to go install Linux From Scratch. When you complete that journey you will have a taste of some principles. Then I also suggest to simply rewrite character for character kilo.c. Why? So you learn how much a pain and a workout it is to crunch at the keyboard. Learn by doing. Learn by breaking and briking. Go find a game u love with all ur being and reverse engineer it. Who cares what u know at the moment, the goal is the process not the result and besides nothing is ever finished, just get it done. One baby step at a time. Oh and dont ask any more questions. All of those have been asked, its our jobs to find the answer. Please take all this as a simple nudges. None is written with any ill will, trolling nor negativity. Take away the knowledge not the pressumed attitude behind my words. Forget the internet and just dive into it. Another way is to pay some pro to mentor you. Good luck with that since most persons are too busy and are elite. Whatever u want to learn has to be done in the spirit of neglect. You cant care too much about computation. It is just a process for making fragmented business. No one NEEDS software nor money. We all agree to play these nonsensical games. Have fun and be grateful for the process itself. Good journey to you friend! Its a weird one. Ive been at it for 35 years and Im still a newbie.

    PS The internet is filled with info. Its your job to determine the knowledge and not the judgement on the worth of the person who posted it. Too much drama and toxicity because everyone at the top of the food chain is pushing that vibe. Everyone everywhere is complaining about our violent ways, how we write to each other online and how we are all being subhuman. Peace to all!

    #allerrorsmatter #cod-ape