The browser with fuckloads of baked-in crypto was doing shady shit? No way!
No idea why no one made a fork that just follows the original basically but removes all the “BAT” crypto, web3, all that dogshit, bullshit, annoying-ass crypto bro shit.
ITT: Cryptobros and apologists finding new and creative ways to justify the behaviour of a company, the head of which was ousted from his last position because of crude political views, i.e. not granting people basic rights.
This is important information but it really should be compared to google chrome, safari, edge, and Firefox default settings, which are all bad for privacy, and when combined, make up 99% of browsers.
This article is written like everyone already knows how to install and use librewolf.
As someone who swapped to chrome > chromium > ungoogled-chromium > brave > firefox > librefox and then back to brave....? Idk, it feels like theres no such thing as a "perfect browser" and that all browsers has a some sort of "anti-consumerism" built-in that we are (still) not aware about.