There are also the legitimate use cases that went to corporations, exactly as Trump intended. The eligible businesses were required to have fewer than 500 employees…per location.
Which one is "this generation"? All the advice I've heard for years is "stop buying the new iPhone and the avocado toast and the Starbucks, use your 401k".
We did. My wife and I both worked 6-7 days for over a year, only got one week off during the lockdown. Plus stimulus. We hadn't had $2k to our name in a decade and then we had $20k. Thought maybe we could finally afford to go to the dentist. Ended up with $50k in home repair bills though. Still haven't been to the dentist.
Go to the dentist. It's cheaper than not going. It's only twice a year.
Skip a luxury or two. Do some GrubHub or Uber for a few days if you need to. The dentist is more important than most doctor appointments, unless you have a chronic condition.
If you're wealthy and all your money is in assets, investments, residential real estate, etc and not income then your wealth significantly increased while everyone else's decreased.
lol. When I read "American", my brain made me see someone holding a gun into his wallet, because I could only see a small preview picture of the link...
Why do I feel this is a false narrative for the rich so they stop perpetuating the lie that "nobody wants to work" from two stimulus checks that came 4 years ago? I probably spent more during the pandemic than usual at periods to adapt to it and buy hand soap and toilet paper among other things. It also triggered a pattern of more savings than ever that won't be undone any time soon. Events like that tend to have a generational effect that can't be explained away in a two bit headline.
Yes, if this is regarding the stimulus checks, then wouldn't it all having been spent be good? Yeah, we spent it, we stimulated the economy during a time when the government decided it needed stimulation. Unless the conversation is about the economy needing more stimulation and that giving stimulus money to consumers works better than tax cuts for the wealthy, because the working class actually put the stimulus into circulation rather than hoarding it.